Chapter 2 Our 'date'

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It has now been 1 week since I met Cody. I have been texting him non-stop. Tomorrow we are going to the beach. I was super excited. Cody was really nice. If someone told me I had to forget about him, it would be impossible for me to.

"Sophia!" a person yelled. I turned around. It was Cody. I had been waiting here at the beach for 15 minutes waiting for him. "You are late!" I replied back. I was now running over to him. "You were supposed to be here at 12:30, it is 12:45." I said jokingly as we were hugging. I loved hugging Cody my chin fit perfectly on his shoulder. "I was stuck in traffic." He said defending himself. We both laughed after that.

"Sophia, If you do not come in the ocean right now I will hold you on my shoulder and drag you in!" Cody yelled to me from the ocean. I was still sitting on the towel. I hate the ocean. I was questioning myself on why I agreed to come. Cody would never drag me in,I told myself. Well I was wrong. Before I knew what was going on I was soaking wet. I swam over to Cody about to playfully punch him when a huge wave came tumbling down on top of me.

Salt water was in my mouth, I could feel it in my throat. My throat was burning. My eyes stung. I couldn't hold my breath much longer. What is happening? How did this happen? Where is the surface? I kept asking myself these questions in my mind. I was starting to get dizzy. Accidentally I tried to suck in air suddenly I had what seemed like gallons of salt water in my lungs. I knew I wouldn't live much longer if I didn't swim to the surface. With my last bit of strength I had left I pushed off the bottom of the ocean.

*So, that is the end of chapter 2. What do you think will happen to Sophia? Do you think Cody Will find and save her? Or some other cutie? I will post another chapter tonight hopefully!*

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