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Authors Note: Big thank you to for the new cover photo!

An hour later, Eddward angrily stormed into the headquarters.
"Welcome back, Rockwell. How was-"
Gomez was cut off by an unconscious man being thrown onto his office floor.
"Here's your fucking target." He growled through his mask.
The older man gave Eddward a quick once over. "I take it things didn't go well?"
Eddward's steely eyes shot a death glare at Gomez.

"You're bleeding. What happened out there?"
"What happened? Your loud mouthed new hire nearly got me killed."
"Well, what's wrong with that? It's not like you haven't tried to get yourself killed before."
"Fuck you and fuck your new hire. I want to go solo."
Gomez made a quick call for the target to be taken away then turned to Eddward.
"We've already had this discussion, Rockwell. Thirty days and you can do whatever you'd like."
"I'll be dead by then."
"Is that a bad thing?"
"I've never said that I wanted to die because of someone else's stupidity."
"But your own stupidity is okay?"
Eddward's eyes narrowed into thin slits. "I don't want any serious missions for the next month. If I die, it'll be on my own accord. Not because some idiot fresh off of his mother's breast doesn't understand how to do their job properly."
The two stared silently at each other for a moment as a group of men entered the room and carted the target away. Once they were gone, Gomez motioned to the assassin's bloodied arm.
"Looks like you got grazed. Why don't you go get it taken care of in the infirmary."
Eddward clutched his arm with a scowl.
"No more serious missions. Not until that idiot learns how to be quiet."
"I'm sorry, who's the boss here?"
"I mean it, Gomez. I've done everything you've ever asked of me. The least you could do is pretend to care about my safety." Eddward hissed before turning on his heels and exiting the office.

Kevin heard heavy footsteps echo down the hall and looked up just in time to catch a glimpse of Eddward.
"Rockston are you okay?!" He asked, worriedly  grabbing ahold of Eddward's arm and examining it. "What the hell happened?! Here, come into the office and I'll bandage it."
Eddward snatched his arm away and glared angrily at Kevin. "Don't touch me."
"Huh?" Kevin gave the assassin a confused look then reached for his arm again. "Just let me look at it. It looks pretty b-" Eddward pushed the ginger away with a scowl.
"You're the reason why my arm is injured. You can't be trusted enough to handle your job so what makes you think that I'd trust you to treat my arm?"

Kevin's lips twisted into a deep frown as his green eyes glared into Eddward's. "I can't be trusted? I'm sorry, who was the one who couldn't be trusted to ensure that their partner came back home to their loved ones? And who was it that allowed said partner to be killed right in front of them? I may not know how to work the headset but at least I tried to save your life!"

"You know nothing about what happened to my partner." Eddward growled.
"Oh, I don't?! I'm the one who listened to him complain about his missions every night. I'm the one who washed the blood from his clothes and treated his wounds. I'm the one who was called to the coroner's office to watch the footage. And I'm the one who had to make that call to his parents. So, tell me again how I know nothing about what happened to him?"

Eddward stood in shocked silence for a few moments before shifting his eyes away.
"Even so, you still don't know anything about what happened. Nor does that mean that I'd trust you to even bandage my arm." He muttered.

"I hope you bleed to death, asshole." Kevin snipped before storming back into the office.

"I get it now."
Eddward looked up to see Gomez standing where Kevin had been just moments ago.
"Get what?" Eddward sighed.
"How he knew so much about C.O.R.E. and why his attitude changed whenever I mentioned Miller." Gomez patted the back of Eddward's shoulder then motioned him towards the infirmary. "Come on Rockwell. Let's get you cleaned up and talk a little."

Eddward rolled his eyes but followed him down the corridors. "You're still going to be working with him." Gomez said as a nurse ran up to Eddward and began fussing over his injury.
"Not unless you teach him how to perform his job correctly." Eddward hissed.

"Actually, I think I have a better idea. Since you two started off so rocky, why don't I suspend you from the field for a few days and have you train him? I might even be able to send him out to the field if you can manage to stop his knees from shaking."
"Why would I want him out there with me?" Eddward rolled his newly bandaged arm around a bit then stood up. "He'd shit himself and run the moment he laid eyes on a target."

Gomez chuckled as he gently pat the assassin's back. "Report here at 6am train your partner." Eddward moved away from the touch with an annoyed grown. "You're going to be teaching him hand-to-hand combat, stealth, and most importantly, how to whisper. Hopefully, if he experiences what it's like to be on the field, he'll have a better understanding of how critical silence can be."

"I doubt that." The raven muttered dismissively. "I'm leaving." His long legs moved towards the elevators. Gomez stepped in front of the metal doors.
"Eddward... I can't afford to find any more partners for you. If you will agree to at least train him, I'll make it worth your while."
Eddward silently brushed the tanned man aside and pressed the button to the elevator.
"I will provide you with his name."

The assassin froze. "I already know his name." He muttered.
"His real name."
"I said I already know it."
"Do you really?" Gomez quirked his brow at the tall man as the doors slid open and Eddward stepped inside.
"If you do, then why haven't you used that information to find him?"
Ice cold eyes locked onto dark brown ones.
"Are you really planning to give me that information or are you lying to me again?"
"I've never lied Rockwell. You merely choose to hear what you want to hear."

The doors began to slide closed.
"I want his real, full, legal name, Gomez." Eddward hissed.
The commander flashed a smirk as the metal clanged shut.
"If that's what you want, Rockwell."

Fate: A Rev Kevedd Assassin FanficDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora