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Eddward appeared on camera just as his target lit a cigarette and placed a small package in his pocket. "Edwin, there's another man there..." Kevin said into the headset as he zoomed in on a shadowy figure standing . "I see a gun. Um... be careful."

"Fuck off." Eddward hissed before turning his headset off and walking up to the men. Before they could draw their weapon, he landed a knife into each man's throat. He casually cleaned both knives before setting off to the headquarters.
Kevin sat in his chair mumbling and fiddling with his headset.
"Edison? Hello? How do I turn this thing on? Eedddiiisssoooon? The light is on but I don't hear anything..."
The atmosphere in the room suddenly changed. The ginger looked around to check to see if someone was there but found nothing strange about the small office. He shrugged and went back to fiddling with his headset.

"Learn to whisper." A voice hissed into Kevin's ear. His chair was quickly spun around, making him come face to face with a white mask. "Screaming into the headset will give my location away."

A shriek escaped Kevin's throat as he instinctively punched Eddward's hard mask.  "Why don't you learn to wear a bell or something! You almost gave me a heart attack!" He whined as he shook his throbbing  hand out.
Eddward removed his mask and rolled his eyes at his new partner then went to sit at his desk.

"W-wait...have you already gotten the targets?!" Kevin asked in disbelief.
"No. I took them to breakfast. They enjoyed their meal immensely. It's a pity you weren't able to join us." Eddward deadpanned.
Kevin blinked at his partner a few times before noticing the sarcastic nature of his answer. He turned around and pulled the camera feed up.

Two men lay in a pool of blood. A small team of black clad figures moved around the area and began to quickly clean the scene.
"You didn't even have the decency to clean up your own mess?!"
"It's not my job to." Eddward snarked back. The small ginger opened his mouth to say something but stopped when he noticed Gomez  walk by.
"Mr. Garcia, I don't like Mr. Rockefeller."

"It's Gomez, he's Rockwell." Gomez sighed. "Better yet, get used to calling him Agent Zephyr. You'll need to use it for your missions. Speaking of which, how was your first mission together?" He asked as he turned to Eddward.

"Tedious and uneventful. This....child began panicking the moment he laid eyes on the target. Are you sure he's the one that was top in his class?" Eddward asked, rolling and popping his neck with irritation.

"Yes he was but he's never been in the field before so cut him some slack." Gomez sighed. "Rockwell go home for the day I can tell you're fuming mad at me. Anderson, you stay and fill out this paperwork." Gomez said laying a stack of papers in front of the ginger.

"Wait, wait,why can't what's his face do this paperwork too?!" Kevin complained.
"Because I'm not new and I'm not the one hiding behind a cushy desk. If I'm risking my life, the least you could do is take care of the paperwork." Eddward hissed before getting up and stalking off.

"You'll get used to him." Gomez muttered to Kevin before running after Eddward. "Rockwell hold up a second, you have some paperwork too but you can work on it at home." He said as he handed him a folder. "It's the last few files for your final mission with Miller. What happened to cause his death and how you plan to prevent another casualty like that in the future. I know it may seem like school work but we need to have these kinds of things on file in case we're audited."

Eddward's lips twisted into a deep frown and he scoffed before continuing to walk away.
"I can tell you all of that without filling any of that out. He saw that I was in trouble, and jumped the gun early. We had an entire plan worked out but he decided to attack straight away. He died because the target located him and murdered him before I could strategize a plan to get him to safety. I plan to prevent that from happening again by either going solo or getting a partner that has enough brain power to remember a name and not piss himself at every loud noise."

Gomez caught up to him and shoved  the papers into his chest.
"Let's make a deal Rockwell. If you put up with Anderson for three weeks, not even a full thirty days, I'll let you go solo like you wish."
"What's the catch?" Eddward asked warily.
"No catch. I just think that you're not giving him a chance to prove himself. You have a temper and are quick to jump into danger and I want you to work on that before it gets you killed too. Anderson seems to be your exact opposite. He's much more... emotionally stable. I think he's the right partner for you. Hell, he might even be better than Miller. I'll give you your three weeks to get yourself under control. If you don't, you're stuck with Mr. Anderson until I decide otherwise. Deal?"

Gomez extended his hand and looked Eddward in the eye. The raven growled and turned away.
"Or, and hear me out, I do whatever the fuck I want or else I leave C.O.R.E. for good."

Gomez shrugged and retracted his arm. "Alright. You can go if you want. But you'll never get any more leads on the man who killed them."

Eddward clinched his fists and swore under his breath. "Three weeks. That's it. And don't put us on anything dangerous. I don't trust that weak idiot with my life." He growled before disappearing down the stairwell.

Gomez watched the assassin until he could no longer hear his footsteps before checking in on Kevin who was happily humming while he scribbled on his stack of papers.

"This will be a long and interesting three weeks for the both of them." Gomez sighed.

Fate: A Rev Kevedd Assassin FanficTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon