First Mission

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Birds chirped in the trees that Kevin weaved himself through as he dashed towards his job. 'Dammit! Late again!' he thought to himself as he rounded the corner to the building. He panted heavily as he ran into the office and into his seat as Gomez was starting up a mission briefing with Eddward.

"Welcome Anderson. Glad to see you made it. I was afraid you would have already quit." Gomez teased.
"Haha. Very funny Godzilla." Kevin said with a roll of his eyes. "What's all this?" He asked, finally noticing the folder in Gomez's hand.
"It's Gomez...Go-Mez." The older man sighed, rubbing his temple in exasperation and still not fully believing that Kevin was the top of his class. "Anyway, today your mission is to assist Agent Zephyr in taking down a few mafia members. This..." he said pulling out a photograph. "is Andrew Gonzales-"
"Oh! Is he related to you?!" Kevin chimed in. Gomez hit him upside the head causing him to whine. "My name is Gomez. Fuck, where was I? Right, this is Andrew Gonzales. He's the leader.  Do not, I repeat, do NOT kill him. Bring him back here alive. Understand Rockwell?" Gomez asked pointing the laser pointer in Eddwards eye. Eddward scowled and quietly cursed at Gomez. His new partner frowned and raised his hand.
"Yes, Anderson?"
"So... if Elbert is bringing the leader back, what's Agent Zephyr gonna do?" Kevin asked innocently.
"I-... I'm not understanding your question."
"Well, if I'm staying here and Elbert is taking the leader down, what's Zephyr gonna do? And where is he? Is he already out locating the targets?"
"Eddward is Agent Zephyr." Gomez placed his forehead in his hand with an exasperated sigh.

Eddward tired of the banter between the two. He stood up and slipped on his mask. "I know what to do. You just sit behind your little desk and play solitaire. I'll be back in an hour or two." He said, directing his words at Kevin without actually acknowledging his existence.
"Rockwell, you need Anderson to be your eyes. I'll teach him how to pull up your video. I just need for you not to be brash and get ahead of yourself without your partner."
Eddward grumbled something under his breath then disappeared down the hallway.

Gomez gave Kevin a brief rundown of his duties as a Surveyor then left him to his first real mission. "It's not very hard. Just make sure you pay attention to Rockwell's surroundings." He instructed before leaving.

Kevin pulled up the video of Eddward but only halfway paid attention to the feed. "Play solitaire. Meh meh meh, my name is Edgar, I'm tall and an asshole. Meh meh meh. If he wants to go off and get himself killed, then he can do it. To hell with him!" He huffed. Sudden movement on the screen caught his attention and made him straighten up in his desk. A dark figure creeped around the corner, small object glinting in its hand. Kevin fumbled to turn on his headset and screamed into the mic. "ROCKSTEIN, THERES A PERSON BEHIND YOU TOWARDS THE LEFT!!!"

The shrill voice alerted the targets in front of Eddward.
"Shit!" Eddward lunged to the right as a body ran towards him.  He hit the floor with a thud but quickly pulled out his knife and slashed at his attackers.
"Edran get out of there!" Kevin yelled. His eyes widened in fear as he watched Eddward scramble to his feet and run towards an unmonitored spot. The group of men quickly folllowed behind him, opening fire as they rounded the corner.
Footsteps sound through the warehouse before a few gunshots are fired.

"Fuck, Edran!"
Eddward's grunt sounded through the mic before the line went dead.

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