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"No, I can't. I have to study. Exams are coming up!" I looked to the three in annoyance.
"Kyungsoo!" Tao wined. "You have to!"
"It won't be any fun without Satansoo, to make fun of beat drunk fools." Jongdae laughed. Minseok just simply nodded agreeing with their words. I sighed shaking my head.
"I'll think about it." As soon as the words left my lips they all cheered. With a roll of my eyes, I shooed them away.
As they all left to their desks, my eyes caught a familiar face coming in.
Late, again. Tired, heavy eyes, as always. No textbooks or homework in hand, nothing new. Wrinkled uniform, never gonna change.
I never really did like him. Park Chanyeol. He's loud, annoying, lazy, nosy, and most of all he's really stuck up. He thinks that just because his family has money that everybody should want to be his friend.
"Chanyeol, you alright?" His friend Baekhyun asked as Chanyeol sat next to him. Which was right behind me.
I couldn't help but eavesdrop, I always did. I lifted my book and pretended to read, every now and then flipping the page.
"Yeah, all is right with the world." He spoke with a yawn. I could tell if he was trying to be sarcastic or he was just really tired.
"Long night?" Baek raised a brow.
"Yep." Chanyeol nodded looking to him. "Just like every night."
"Sorry." Baek sighed. I heard rumors that Chanyeol works at an underground club. Knowing him, it's probably true. I mean, he's always looking for ways to get attention. That would be a really good one.
"Class!" The teacher called us as the bell rang. I found myself in deep thought about Chanyeol. I find myself doing that a lot.
Like I said, I hate him. But I also, kind of, find myself liking parts of him. Like the fact that he always finds a reason to smile. And the part that he is so passionate about his music.
I admire those parts of him, everything else I hate.

A New Kind Of One Night Stand (Editing)Where stories live. Discover now