Chappy twenty five

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I walked home and got a text.

We have a hit on who did it. Not positive but pretty sure its someone named Henry Foresake. Any remebrance? 

I thought. I couldnt think of anyone with that name. "Henry Foresake?" I grabbed a laptop and looked him up on facebook. I saw the cover picture was a baby girl. I clicked it. "My beautiful daughter Deliliah?" 

I threw the laptop and screamed. I ran around and started to pull on my hair. "NO NO NO NO NO I AM NOT NO!!" I called Kevin back. 

"I looked him up and guess what? IM HIS GODDAMN DAUGHTER!! HOW AM I HIS DAUGHTER!!" "Deliliah calm down okay? We tracked him down and he's on his way to your house. You need to get your brothers and your father and hide now." 

I ran around the house and got the lads in the attic. I turned around and locked the door. "Okay i did. What now?" I heard shuffling. "Hang up. Just hang up and be quiet." "Okay bye guys." And i hung up.

I heard something breaking. I whimpered lightly and sat next to Zayn, as i was still scared of Niall. I heard someone yelling. "HEY DELILIAH? WHERE ARE YOU? DADDY'S HERE TO TAKE YOU HOME!" 

I stood up and was about to open the door but i got picked up. I started to scream but my mouth was covered. I heard footsteps coming and i started to breath heavily. I put my back against the door and kept it closed. 


I heard more screams then realized that they belonged to the lads. I heard some little sobs and realized they belonged to me. I looked down and saw my stomach was bleeding. I pointed to the window and Zayn picked me up.

I felt warm air hit my face as i held onto Zayn. ( I forgot to say, there was a ladder outside so hey went down the ladder! Okay keep reading!) I looked around and saw we were infront of the FBI place. 

I had Zayn set me down and i ran to Lanies lab. That kinda rhymed. Lanie's lab! DELILIAH YOU WERE JUST SHOT SHUT UP AND WALK IN FOR PETE'S SAKES!! I walked in and Lanie ran over to me.

"Henry. My father. Shot. Attic. Me. Blood. Three times. " She set me on the bed and started to examine my stomach. I saw her pull out two of the three bullets. "Three. There's only two here." I raised an eyebrow. 

"WHAT? NO NO NO NO HE KNOWS HOW TO MAKE BLOOD BULLETS AND HOW TO FIRE THEM OH NO HE USED SOMETHING ELSE OH NO NO!!" I screamed. Really loud too. How did i know? Because Esposito and Ryan came running in.

"Three shots were fired. I found two of the three. " Lanie explained. Esposito had looked at my worried, scared and very sweaty state. "He knows how to fire, and prepare ice and blood bullets." Esposito nodded and i rolled my eyes. 

"I dont want her blood inside of me!" I yelled. Lanie turned around after hearing that. "Her? Who's her?"  I sighed. "I remember something that i saw. Before i was put up for adoption. My father killed my mum and took all her blood. "

I sighed and continued. "He put them in a metal container. He said he would freeze it and i would see what would happen with it when i was bad." I squeezed my eyes shut and tried to forget. "I didnt, think he meant it." 

Lanie was standing there. "He put something in it though. It was brown, and it was powder. I asked what it was, and he said it was something called u-" i choked. I cant finish that sentence. "What!? " I looked at Esposito.


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