Chapter 34: Don't You Dare (Part 2)

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(A/n: this part is also short, but only because it's the second part to part one. We're also gonna mix it up by doing a 3rd Person POV.)

(D/n) = Dad's name
(M/n)= Mom's name

With that, Andy and (y/n) jumped off the mountain together.

The vamps and werewolves were too late to stop them. They all waited for the thud of two bodies to hit the ground below...but it never sounded. Both Kings and Queens gazed over the edge to see what happened and saw...nothing.

"They've escaped..." The Werewolf King started. "THERE THEY GO! I SEE THEM!" King Christopher pointed out to the forest.

Yes, there they were, (y/n) in Andy's arms as he flew away as fast as he could. Their great escape. "VAMPIRES, AFTER THEM!" Queen Amy (Vamp Queen) ordered. "WEREWOLF PACK, TRACK THEM DOWN! DON'T COME BACK UNTIL YOU HAVE THE PRINCESS IN CUSTODY!" King (D/n) commanded.

Clear orders given to them, all werewolves and vampires transformed into their monster selves. The werewolves jumped off the mountain and followed the runaway couple on foot while the vamps flew after them.

"They're coming to get us." (Y/n) tightened her arms around Andy's neck. "Hold on tight." He flew even faster. "Where are we going? If we stay in the region, they'll find us easily." She asked. "We need to go somewhere where there are no vampire clans or wolf packs. Got any ideas?" He asked, looking back to see Chris (Motionless) and Danielle on his tail.

"We gotta lose them first, I got this." (Y/n) rose her heat and summoned a flame onto her palm. She shot fire at the two vamps, they were persistent, but she was persistent too. She even kicked one of her shoes was worth hit Danielle in the face XD.

Chris was still right on them though, he got a hold of Andy's foot, making them slow down. A couple werewolves were catching up to them as well. (Y/n) wasn't going down like this, her and Andy won't be so easy to capture.

She beamed fire in her eyes and kept eye contact with Chris...

Once she released her flame wielding eyes, she burned Chris right in his pupils. "AH! I'M BLIND! SOMEONE HELP ME, I'M BLIND!" Chris went plummeting down to the earth.

Andy went back to flying at full speed, leaving the vampires and werewolves chasing after them tired and breathless.

They stopped when they were sure no one was following them and sat in a tree.

"Oh my god." Andy sighed.

"I can't believe we actually did that. We're fucking dead if we go back." (Y/n) closed her eyes.

"Where do we go from here?" He asked.

"Let's think. I have my pack here, a pack in Japan, in Antarctica, and...damn, one in the Bahamas. Guess we can't go to the Bahamas. What about you? Where are your clans?"

"I have my clan, another in California, one in Texas, and North Dakota." Andy listed.

"How far are we gonna go?"

"As far as we need to. I'll fly you to a different continent if necessary."

"We'll go far but not too far...Florida?" (Y/n) wondered. "...Yea, that's fine. We'd better get going, I know werewolves are great trackers. They'll take their time in finding us, but they'll find us...where's your shoe?"

"I kicked it off and the heel went in Danielle's mouth. She gagged on my high heel while falling to the ground." (Y/n) laughed. She always enjoyed causing Danielle pain one way or another. She never liked Danielle. (Y/n) knew that Danielle wanted Andy...the real question is: who doesn't want Andy?

Against All Odds (Vampire X Werewolf) (Andy X Reader)✔️Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ