Chapter 11: Be Careful

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Your POV

All I could really do was look at him in disbelief. He seriously just asked me out! Fuck! What do I say?! This could lead the both of us to our deaths! What would my pack do? What will the vamps do? What would my parents do? Would we start a war?

So many thoughts rushed through my head; I'm so scared and overwhelmed by what could happen if I say yes. Then again, I'd so love to say yes to Andy. Just...all of this hit me so fast and...I...

I felt myself slip and I started falling. I only fell for a split second since Andy caught me like he said he would.

"You ok?" He asked, his piercing red eyes looking into my yellow eyes. "Yea...I'm ok. Andy...I love you too, but have you thought about the consequences of us being together? We could die, we would fuck up the vampire and werewolf royal blood, we might even get the vamps and the werewolves to start fighting again. What if that happens?"

"I've thought about those consequences for weeks and I know what will happen. If we get caught the first second we're together, that one second would be worth it. I yearn so badly to be yours and I want you to be mine. Even if I get just one second of being your boyfriend...I would cherish it for however much time I'd have left to live." He held me close. "(Y/n), please...I love you so much."

"Yes. Yes, I want to be your girlfriend." I whispered. As soon as Andy heard my answer, he lifted my chin up and kissed me.

Once our lips touched, it was like lightning coursed through my veins from my heart to my fingertips. It felt so good. It was nice and sweet and I wanted it. I didn't want it to stop though.
Andy had given me a little kiss...I want more.

I wrapped my arms around his neck and pretty much shoved my tongue down his throat. I didn't intend for that to happen, but oh well, I mean...he didn't stop me. If anything, he kept it going for as long as he could. I held onto him so tight, I never wanted to let go.

We had to stop to catch our breath. "No one can know about us." I breathed, Andy's forehead rested against my forehead. "I know. I won't tell anyone. I'll try my hardest not to kiss you in school. That's gonna be hard." He sighed.

"It'll be hard for me too, but we can kiss and cuddle when we hang out in secret." I laughed. "Yes we can." Andy licked his lips. Why why why would he do that why I'm going CRAZY. I kissed him again, my tongue swirling around his fangs. His hand caressed my face, his thumb stroking my cheek. I released him and let him breathe.

"Damn, you're a great kisser." Andy nudged my nose. " of the best." I gloated.

We flew there for about an hour more until I got very sleepy. Andy flew back down to the ground and set me down gently. "I'll see you tomorrow, yes?" He asked.

"Yea, I'll be there. And before I go..." I pulled Andy into another kiss. And another...and another. "I just can't get enough of you." I giggled. "I didn't know I was that delicious." Andy smiled. "Well you are...but yea, I'll see you tomorrow...I love you." I bid my sweet boyfriend farewell. "I love you too. Bye." He turned to walk back to his house, a smile on his face that will never go away.

As I got closer to my house, I listened for any noise that would indicate someone being awake. There was just snoring, nothing else. I jumped back up to my window and got back into my room.

I've...I've gotta be careful. No one can ever know about Andy and I. If we slip up just once, that'll be the end.

I curled up with my blanket and pillow, falling asleep very easily. I hoped that maybe Andy would appear in my dreams.

Against All Odds (Vampire X Werewolf) (Andy X Reader)✔️Where stories live. Discover now