Chapter 32: Behind Bars

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Your POV

It's been a week since I was locked in my room...and I'm going crazy. I'm going insane. I feel like I'm actually in jail.

I get to use the bathroom three times a day. I am fed breakfast, lunch, and dinner, they are brought to me; I don't get to leave this room unless I'm using the bathroom. When I do use the bathroom, my dad is waiting and guarding by the door so I don't escape.

Why haven't I transformed and broken out yet you ask? Because I don't know if Andy's alive or not. If I leave to find Andy and he's not alive, I'm going to die. Then, my pack will be left with Jaime as one wants that.

During this past week, individuals from my pack have stopped by my door to ask me if I was really dating Andy (aside from the ones who already knew).

To each of them, I told them the truth. They couldn't believe that I'd date a vamp, the vamp Prince mostly. But they understood that love is love and they support Andy and I for the most part.

At first, they were unsure on whether to be supportive or against my relationship with a vampire, but they learned that if I'm in love, I'm happy...and they want me to be happy...even if it's with our long time enemy.

At the moment, I'm sitting in one corner of my room with my knees up to my chin. I can't cry anymore, my tear ducts are dry. It's dark in sunlight to shine since my window is gone. I could turn my light on, but I prefer the sun much more. The alarm clock on my nightstand indicated that it was indeed 3:43pm. I've already eaten lunch, I wait until 7:00pm for dinner.

My fingers traced along the claw marks I made on my wall, not as an escape attempt, but to take my anger out. My marks were deep, wrath written in each of them.

A slight knock sounded on my door rigged with chains and locks on the other side. "...(Y/n)? It's Vic. How are you feeling?" Vic asked.

"I'm not okay. I haven't seen the sun in so long. I haven't seen you either...I miss you. I miss everyone. And you know who I miss the most?"


"Yea...him. I miss him. Do you know if he's ok?"

"I don't know, we haven't heard from the vamps lately." Vic shushed his voice.

"Oh god..."

"At least you're not dead." Vic said, trying to look at the bright side to this. "Honestly Vic, I'd rather be dead than be here in this prison. It's so lonely, so dark, so depressing, and cold. I want to see him, that's my only wish. To know if he's alive. I can't stop thinking about him." I laid down with my ear next to the door. "Vic! What did I say about talking to her?! Go do something else!" My dad yelled. I heard Vic stand up and walk away, leaving me to sit in silence.

My parents are deeply disappointed with me and my decisions. My mom can't even look at me without crying. The work they've put into me, all wasted, useless, because I love him. I've tried talking to them about why I did it, but they never listen. They don't wanna hear me speak. I knew they'd never understand the benefits of my relationship. I was stupid to think that they'd maybe see the good in my choice of partner.

A sliding sound made me go back to reality...someone slid something under my door. I turned my bedroom light on and saw a Hot Press magazine with a sticky note on it.

I thought you'd be bored, so I went and picked up a magazine for you to read. Hope it helps.

Aw, that's my bro, always trying to be there for me. I took the magazine up to my bunk and started reading.

Against All Odds (Vampire X Werewolf) (Andy X Reader)✔️Where stories live. Discover now