Chapter 2: Where are you?!

Start from the beginning

Lucy's POV

I look around magnolia with a smile on my face. It truly is beautiful. The birds chirping and children laughing just makes me smile more. I see an ice cream truck as I walk by. I stop and stare at the truck. I know I have to get back to Natsu, but I still have another 10 minutes until my 30 minutes is up. I walk up and look at their choices of ice cream, until I see what I was looking for. A strawberry cone!! I lick my lips and look at the tender to the truck with a smile. I look to the man and see he is a shorter man with round glasses and blue eyes. He wears some simple blue jeans, a plain white T-shirt, and a black cap. He looks to me and returns the smile with one of his own.
"Hi! I'll take the the strawberry cone, please." I say while starting to take out the amount of money that the picture said it was to be paid for.

"Sure!" He goes to the back of his truck leaving me alone. I look at the time and see I have only 5 minutes. The man comes back with my cone and hands it to me. I once again smile and hand him the money. I walk to the curb near the water and walk along it. I take a lick of the ice cream and my mouth fills with the delightful taste of strawberry. I sigh.

"Hopefully it can stay like this." I say while taking another lick.
"I wouldn't be so sure about that~" I hear an unfamiliar singsong voice say. I whip my head around to see nothing except the path down the street.

'I know I heard something.' I 360 and take in my surroundings, the sounds, everything. 'I need to keep moving. I know I heard something.' I throw my uneaten ice cream I start to speed walk, but I get the feeling I'm being followed and I'm sure of it. My shoes click on the pavement and I hear the men on the boats telling me to be careful, but I ignore them trying to get home as soon as possible. I can feel the presence still there and I can see the apartment. I start to jog, but I hear the sounds of feet on the pavement getter louder and faster. I break out into a full out sprint and run. The feet are getter closer and closer, I can hear them. I pump my legs and arms telling them to go faster, but I know I'm not that fast. The apartment is so close I might make it, but my confident falls when rough hands grab me and yank me to the ground. I groan from the pain of the impact, but stand up to face my opponent with an evil glare.

"Who are you and what do you want from me?!" I yell making it clear that I'm not so happy about the idea of being stalked. He gives me a sly smirk and he's suddenly gone. I gasp and look all around not putting my guard down. I suddenly feel cold near my ear and I hear the raspy dark voice again.

"Why I need you and you'll soon know my name." I hear I try to turn but I'm glued down. I can't move at all. Not my head. Not my feet. I can't even scream or shout. I'm trapped. The man stands in front of me with that stupid sly smirk. He snaps his fingers and I'm lifted off the ground in a white light orb. I'm completely useless and helpless. Something wet rolls down my cheek and more seem to come after that. I can't even feel my own tears. Now I know I'm crying no I'm sobbing. Why can't I be strong and show this bastard that I'm not afraid of him. But I can't because I'm weak. I can't even defend myself for 30 minutes!! Pathetic! I think back to Natsu.

'Natsu I know that you always have to save me, but I really need your help," another sob shakes my body "please find me Natsu. I'm sorry I-I can't protect myself. I-I love you." I think before darkness takes over.

Natsu POV (regular looking like this is Lucy's thoughts to Natsu. Natsu is like this)

It's been 15 minutes passed when she said she'd be back maybe even longer. I don't know I'm not paying attention to that!! I sit back in her bed with a huff. Maybe she's just taking a little longer than usual. I sigh. I need to calm down. I lay back on her bed and her scent starts to calm me.

Natsu I know that you always have to save me, but I really need your help.

"Lucy?!" I jump up with a jolt ready to punch the living daylights out of whoever is doing something to her, but her voice stops me.

Please find me Natsu. I'm sorry that I-I can't protect myself. I-I love you.

"Lucy!!" I run out the apartment and sniff the air for Lucy's scent.

"Gotcha!!!" I growl and sprint in her direction. My eyes full of anger and confidence. She shouldn't have to protect herself. She has me to beat them to a pulp. If Luce couldn't even take them on then they must be some tough person, because my girl can take anyone on. I growl again and pump my arms and legs faster.

Don't worry Luce. I'm coming just hold on. I love you too.

Yay!!!!!!!!! What's gonna happen!!?  Anyway, I'll try my best to get the new chapter in soon. Don't want to keep you on a cliffhanger too long!! Ok cya my peeps!!!!
1831 words

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