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*A few years later*

"Wes? You awake?" I muttered in a hushed tone.

"Now I am..." He groaned slightly.

"Can you get Jude? He's crying and I can't get up."

"Yeah. I will go get him" Wes said slipping out of bed. It was 4am and I could not bring myself to get out of bed.

A few minutes later Wes returned with the baby. Jude was a little 9month old boy with thick brown hair and bright hazel/brown eyes just as Wes did. He was absolutely adorable. Wes cradled Jude in his arms as he lay down.

I tenderly laid a kiss on both of their foreheads before taking Jude from Wes's arms. I can't believe Wes and I have been married for oh most 4 years now. I'm 25 and Wes is 26. We were engaged for about 2 years before we actually got married. Then after we waited and finally had this little cutie. I was so in love with all that I had. I had a whole new family, though I still had my dad. I have not seen my mom since the day I left or had contacted her. She does not know I am married let alone have a child now.

My dad said she was coming to see me in a few days. My dad did not tell her about Wes or Jude either. It was going to be a bit of a shock for her. Oh Well...

I closed my eyes and lay Jude in between us. We were both careful not to lay on him or let him suffocate on a pillow.

In the morning Jude and Wes were gone from the bed. I heard Wes playing with Jude in the living room.
"I'm gonna eat you!" he said in a cute voice and Jude continued to laugh. I smiled slipping out of bed. Wes was a great dad and an amazing husband.

They were still famous and on tour, they just grew up a little, not completely pulling away from the image they had when Wes was only 20. He was still so young, heck Keaton and his girlfriend were not even engaged. I think Keaton is gonna wait though. He is only 23 and Wes and I married at a YOUNG age. 21 and 22. I still think we were too young but honestly I think it was best that we did.

I put on a blue robe and walked into the living room where Wes started making breakfast. We sat down and enjoyed breakfast until I got a little unsteady. I did not feel well... I was not sure if the eggs were not fully cooked or if the news of my mother coming and meeting my new family was bothering me. Anyways I felt sick.
"Um Wes, my uh Mother is coming today. She might be upset but please remember I really love you okay? I don't care about my mother. If I did she would have been invited to the wedding."

"I know, but thank you for reassuring me. I love you Ashley, and I love Jude. I would never let your mother push me around" Wes smiled kissing me.

After breakfast my dad called me. he said my mother had just arrived in LA and would be at the house in an hour. it was going to be so awkward but Wes and I had a good feeling of surprise. We were having a family gathering but this time my mom would be there.

I dressed Jude then got myself ready. Soon enough the 3 of us were out the door heading to my dad's place.
We arrived but my mom was not there yet; everyone was there but her. According to my dad she was just late. Keaton and his girlfriend were there, Drew and his Fiancé, their mother was there, Brooke, Isaac, Brooke's Husband, Brianna and her Fiancé. Everyone was there but my mom.

Wes took Jude upstairs to his crib we set up when he stays with my dad and stepmom. Yeah my dad got remarried about 1 year ago. I like her better then my real mom. She is so supportive and kind.

Soon a knock on the door came and my mom arrived.

"Ashley Sweetheart! How are you?!" she screamed hugging me.
"Hello Mom, I'm good how are you?" I said trying to make it seem like we were okay. I just wanted to let go of the past with my mom and get on new terms. We were both hurt so I really just want my mom back.

"Oh you are so beautiful? Do you have a boyfriend?" my mother smiled.

"Well actually..." right then Wes came down and smiled.
"Hello I'm Wesley Stromberg."

"Are you Ashley's boyfriend? That's wonderful!" She said cheerfully as she hugged him. She had blonde hair which was tied in a bun. I really looked nothing like her.

I frowned.

"Are you not happy to see me?" she asked frowning too.

"No it's just I-I..."

"Ashley Willow spit it out already!"

"Fine! It's not Willow, it's Stromberg! Wes is not my Boyfriend, he is my husband. I have a son named Jude. He is 9 months old. They both make me very happy and I hope you can except that!" I shouted.

My mother looked washed out but then smiled. "I'm a grandmother? Oh my can I see him?"

Wes grabbed my hand and I wave of relief settled over me. I smiled and Wes and I took my mom upstairs to Jude.

"Do you want to hold him?" I asked.

My mom nodded as I handed him to her. She kissed Jude's head.

"Jude Trent Stromberg... That's his name mom."

"I love it, please keep making more wonderful babies. Honey I am so proud of you."

"Well," Wes and I looked at each-other, "I'm pregnant again. Its a girl. We plan to name her Shayleen Amanda Stromberg...."


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