The Notice Plan

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Over coffee Lexi had explained everything, all to the very last detail.

Lexi had explained her relationship with Wes from before and why it had all ended. A few days ago Wes had ran into her at the mall when she had arrived back in town. Awkwardly they started texting and talking again, which then got them to hang out. Lexi had asked Wes if he was still single and he had said yes, this was 2 days before he said he liked me. He told her he wanted to possibly get back together, that he still misses what they had. After a while of flirting he started to warm up to the idea. When Lexi found out about me she started to worry that maybe there was something going on with us. She told Wes if he had feelings for any other girl it was okay, but until he figured them out they were not going to be together. Wes tried to push me away so his relationship with Lexi could exist.

            “So he did that so you two could be together?”

“I’m pretty sure he did, Wes is not that way unless he tries to push away feelings. You know what Ash, I like you, and you are a good person. I know that sounded really weird but I think we could actually be friends” Lexi smiled.

“You’re pretty chill yourself, and wow you are super nice! Also way cooler then I would have expected, we should chill sometime?”

“How about a party tonight; Keaton’s friend Tyler is having a party and hot guys are going, it would be an awesome night?!” Lexi suggested.

“Sounds fun, I would love that!” I smiled getting up from the table.

“I want to go dress shopping, you want to come with? We can get you a revenge outfit for Wes….” She cooed in a sing song tone.

“Sounds fun, I will go but not for a revenge dress, it’s your boyfriend after all” I sighed as we walked out of the café.

“Wes is not my boyfriend, he has feelings for you and obviously I’m not going to ruin it when you have way more feelings then I do. I have my whole life ahead of me, and a ton of cute boys too” Lexi winked as we entered a shop.

“You don’t have to do that Lexi, even though I agree you probably have boys lined up outside your house, like really you are gorgeous!”

“So are you, don’t put yourself down. You as so beautiful, that I’m so jealous! Now go and try this on!” she said shoving me into the dressing room with tons of outfits.

After hours later we got back to my house and started getting ready. Lexi started curling my hair as I did our makeup. After we were done we got into our dresses, I wore a slim body, fitted glitter dress which went to mid thy. While Lexi wore a nude slick colored dress and black heels and put her hair in a simple classy updo. I put on a pair black of heels which I lost my balance more than a few times. Lexi said it would help me look taller because I was short and stalky compared to other girls at the party. Sadly I agreed and we headed out.  

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