Chapter 5

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Hey y'all sorry it took so long to update I had a bit of writers block. Hope you enjoy:) Comment below what you think Peter and Caitlin's ship name should be.

RECAP: He just smirks even bigger at me and his next words send chills down my body. "Face it Caitlin. You belong to me"


My jaw clenched as I managed to spit out "NO.I.DONT"

He stalked his way over to me until there was only inches between our faces. He leaned in but I was quick and turned my head to the side. I felt the light and electric touch of his fingers skimming down my cheek and tracing my jaw line. I was completely frozen my mind fighting a battle. One part was telling me to run as fast as I can and never look back. But another told me to stay and enjoy the attention I was getting, to lean into he touch.

He gripped my chin lightly tilting my face up to meet his electric green eyes. He leaned his face down until his soft lips reached my ear. His hot breath fanned across my right cheek as he whispered "Does anyone else make you feel this way?" He began to slowly circle me making sure his fingers skimmed around my collar bone and the back of my neck as he did so leaving goosebumps in a trail.

"Peter stop." I said with as much confidence as I could muster.

"But that's the thing Caitlin... I don't think you want me to stop." Peter replied and stopped in front of me looking into my eyes. I felt naked under his stare, and felt my confidence dwindle even further when I noticed I was still in my tank top and jeans which were now dirty and torn in places from trying to escape through the forest.

I finally made up my mind and shoved him away from me before walking around him. "I'm done talking about this." I said, venom laced within my words.

"Fine," He said as he walked the few steps toward me and grabbed my forearm, "Lets go eat little one you must be hungry."

And he was right. That run in the forest really wore me out plus I mean its food. Who doesn't like food?

Peters grip was solid when he dragged me out of the tent and into what I was guessing was the base of the camp.

In the base it looked surprisingly inviting. There was what looked to be a stack of wood next to a big man made fireplace with rocks surrounding the outer edges. Around the fire was big logs with the bottoms flattened down so they wouldn't roll. Surrounding the campfire was tents. And lots of tents. They seemed to come from all edges securing everyone in. Beyond the tents all I could see was trees. They were tall and strong, with beautiful green leaves that caught my eye. It made me wonder what was beyond the trees and what their was to explore.

I must have been caught up in my thoughts because next thing I new I was stumbling to keep up with Peter so I wasn't dragged behind him like a rag doll.

"Could you slow the fuck down?!" I groaned

Peter didn't slow but instead threw me over his right shoulder.

"Problem solved." He said and by the tone of his voice I could tell he was smirking.

"This is NOT what I meant Peter"

He just chuckled before saying "Well next time you should be more specific"

I didn't bother responding, instead I just beat his back hoping to cause him any sort of pain.

We walked for a few more minutes - with me still hitting his back and complaining -  before I began to hear the loud roar of voices. The voices got louder and louder before they finally seemed to stop all together as Peter stopped and slowly slid me down, keeping me crushed to his front. As soon as my feet hit the ground I shoved him away from me and looked around me to see many of the boys from last night all staring at me in curiosity.

"What?!" I spat out at them feeling uncomfortable under their stares.

"Easy Caitlin, they're only curious." Peter told me while gripping my forearm.

I looked into each of their eyes when I said "Well you know what they say don't you?" I asked them. I turned my lips up into the cruelest smile I could achieve. "Curiosity killed the cat."

At that exact moment a plan began to form into my head. Not just any plan... a plan to escape.

The real Peter PanTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon