Chapter 11

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"Get out of my way loser," says Kendra as she pushes me into a locker.

This is how's its's been since school started last week. Everyone figured out about me and Jack. But some people made up rumors so there's different versions of the story. I'm sure Kendra heard the one about how I cheated on Jack with Kashno. Which isn't even true because for one, I don't even like Kashno.

But now everyone's treating me like crap. I'm happy I forgave Mia, she's the only one I have. I also forgave Daniel. My mother told me to always forgive and forget. So I did.

"Are you going to the back to school dance?" Mia asks me at my locker.

"Um no. Are you crazy? I get bullied enough when I have to be here. I'm not going to get bullied on my free time."

"Please. Brian is coming and it would be awkward if your not there." Mia called Brian, the guy from California. And they're actually dating now. She says the long-distance relationship thing isn't so bad. I wouldn't know.

"Wouldn't I be like the third wheel or something?" I ask.


"I don't have a dress."

"We can go to the mall after school."

"The dance is tomorrow. The dance is already sold out," I say.

Mia pulls a ticket out from her backpack and hands it to me.

"How did you know I would say yes?"

"I didn't know. I hoped. Now just come to the dance," Mia says.



We're standing outside the school doors.

"Mia, I don't want to go in there," I say pulling on her dress.

"Too bad. We're already here," she says, pushing me in to the gym.

The gym is decorated so nice, you can't even tell it's the gym.

Mia sees Brian over by the pucnh bowl and leaves me stranded. It's nice that Brian would come from California just to see Mia. I see the way he looks at her. He really does like her.

Songs are playing and everyone's dancing and I'm just sitting at a table by myself, looking like the biggest idiot ever.

"Hey," Daniel says, sitting next to me.

"Hey." I have forgiven him, but that doesn't mean things aren't awkward between us.

"Look Courtney, I'm so sorry for everything I did. You really didn't deserve that. When you broke up with me, I hurt for days even though I knew I was hurting you by dating Mia. But I'm going to be honest with you," Daniel puts his hand through his hair, "I still have feelings for you. I still think we can make this work. Please give me another chance. I promise I will never hurt you ever again."

I think about it. I know I still have feelings for him. The only reason I broke with him is because I wanted to be with Jack. But that was a bust. So I know my decision. I was about to respond when something made me stop.

"Courtney. Courtney Austins," Jack says, standing nervously on stage. It's him. It's really him. He came here for me.

I walk nervously to the stage.

"Jack I am so so sorr..."

"It's ok," he says hugging me tight. I missed him. I missed his hugs. I missed his laugh. I missed everything.

Everyones staring at us. That's right. Jack Griffo still likes me.

We start slow dancing in the middle of the dance floor.

"You should hate me right now."

"I never hated you. I was mad at first, but I never hated you. But I realized you didn't tell me because you didn't want to lose me. Which means you care about me," he says hugging me even tighter than before.

"And you don't care that I'm 13?"

"It's only 4 years. We can get passed that."

We continued dancing and we lived happily ever after.

Or did we?

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