Chapter 5

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After the summer sing-off, Mia and I go back to the hotel. '

"Ok he is totally into you," Mia says smiling.
"I doubt that. And even if he is, he is dating Ryan and I am dating Daniel."

"So what? You can break up with Daniel and he can break up with Ryan. Then you guys can be perfect together."

"Why don't you like Daniel? I mean it's your fault we met at the carnival. You were the one that told me to get out of the house. AND you're the one who said that I was probably never going to meet Jack and that I should just get over the fact that he is dating Ryan,'' I say out of breath. Mia looks frustrated.

"It's not that I don't like Daniel, it's just that you and Jack belong together. And I though you were never going to meet him. I didn't even think we would ever even come to California. But it happened Courtney. This is what you've been dreaming of since you first saw him on TV. I see the way he looks at you. Just listen to me. Please."

Why does she care so much about this? She is my best friend that's why. She cares about me so much that she wants what's best for me. But I don't think this is what's best for me.

"Ok lets assume he does like me. He'll stop liking me once he realizes that I'm 13," I say.

"He doesn't have to know you're 13. You can tell him that after he falls in love with you. And he won't even care then because love is more powerful than age," says Mia. I'm so confused. I mean he did give me his phone number.

I wale up to the sound of my phone vibrating, which means I got a notification. I check my phone and the Twitter bird is up on the top. I go on Twitter and see that Jack just tweeted something. The tweet reads "Aren't me and @ryrynewman so cute together?" Under it was a picture of them together at the movies.

I don't know why but I burst into tears.

I accidently wake up Mia. "Hey, Courtney, are you ok?" Mia asks me.

I can't speak so I just handed her the phone.

"Oh. It's ok Court. Everything's going to be fine."

I realize that if I cried this much over him, that means that I don't belong with Daniel.

After I stop crying I call Daniel. ''Hey Daniel. Um.. the thing is.. I don't think this relationship is working out. I'm so sorry..."

I hang up. I didn't even give him a chance to talk. I didn't even finish my sentence. But after I call, everything just feels better. The next thing I do is call Jack.

"Hey Jack. It's Courtney. I was wondering if you wanted to hang out today.''

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