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While Princess Anne was with the Queen, Olivia took the time to walk through the beautiful gardens. It was warm and sunny day and she enjoyed spending some time alone with her thoughts. She had a really weird dream last night and she needed to realize what it meant. She dreamed that the King was chasing her through halls and she was running away from him, but she wasn't afraid of him, she actually wanted him to catch her. And when caught her, his lips were so close to her. Olivia remembered how much she wanted him to kiss her.

She was so in her thoughts that she didn't notice that Duchess Mary was coming toward her.

"Lady Olivia!" Duchess called for her and Olivia flinched and quickly curtsies to her.

"Duchess, I'm sorry, I didn't saw you." She explained herself to a beautiful woman who stood in front of her.

"No needs to apologize you were quite in your thoughts and it's me, actually, who should apologize to you for interrupting you. Did you think of some young man lady Olivia?"The Duchess teased and Olivia felt how her cheeks redden.

"Oh no, Your Grace."

"The reason I sought you is to tell you that I want you to perform in my masque ball."

"It would be an honor, Your Grace."

"I'm sure you will be great. Oh, look who is coming."Olivia turned in the direction thatDuchess was showing and she saw Charles and King coming. She felt nervous for some reason that she couldn't name. When Duke and King came before her she did an elegant curtsy to them.

"Your Majesty, Your Grace "While she was curtsying to them she didn't bow her head, instead, she boldly looked at King's eyes.

"Oh, my dear husband I was looking for you, I need you to come with me,"Duchess said

"I'm sorry Your Majesty I have to go with my wife," Charles said and bowed to the King.

"Don't worry Charles; Lady Olivia will keep me a company. Will you sweet lady?"

"Of course, I will. It is an honor. "

"Then Charles go with your wife before she gets angry," Henry said and Mary quickly dragged Charles away.

"Would you like to walk with me, Lady Austin?" King asked and kissed Olivia's hand. When his lips touched her hand chills passed through her.

"I would like that very much." She replied.

They were they were walking in silence for some time. Henry was admiring how beautiful Olivia truly was. He was enchanted by her.

"What do you like to do in your free time, my lady?"

"Many things Your Majesty. I really like to read, that relaxes me. I also like to ride horses."

"Do you enjoy going to hunt?"

"Very much," She confirmed and smiled sweetly.

"Katherine told me that you were teaching Anne French."

"Yes, Your Majesty."

"And how many languages do you speak?"

"Five: English, French, Spanish, German and Latin."

Henry was amazed.Not only that she was beautiful but she was very educated and it was a pleasure to talk to her. He greatly admired her.


Time passed quickly. Henry began to seek Olivia's company more and more. He invited her to hunts, feasts, walks and to play cards with him. Katherine was very pleased that her plan was working. She knew that Henry will marry Agate, because she convinced him that only she can give him a son, but somehow she knew that Olivia was capable of bringing Agate down. Right now she was sitting in her chambers with Anne and they were sewing clothes for poor.

"Mother, I noticed that the King, my father, seeks the company of Lady Olivia for more and more. Does that mean that he is no longer interested in Lady Agate?"

"I'm afraid not. You're father still, intends to be wedded with Lady Agate. But I hope that once he is wed to her he turns his attention to Lady Olivia. She will always be on our side."

"But mother, you are my father's wife and Queen."

"Yes, I am. Your father wants to cast me off and I am really saddened to know that he won't change his mind. If I have to be replaced I wish that to be someone who cares for you dear girl."

"So you are saying that if my father was to marry lady Olivia and casts Agate off, you would support that?"

"Yes, my dear, that is exactly what I am saying.


Agate was furious she thought that she and Henry would dine alone, but when she came lady Olivia and Charles were already here. Henry spent most of the time talking with Olivia and he didn't pay any attention to her. He still talked about how he wants to marry her but something changed. He was spending almost all of his free time with Lady Olivia. She knew that she wasn't his mistress but that did little to calm her. How could he even look at her? She wasn't true English rose like herself. She had dark eyes and hair, that wasn't pretty at all. Agate felt sick from just looking at Lady Olivia. She wasn't even ladylike. Agate was disgusted by Olivia's French clothes and her way of riding like a man.How could any man look at her? She still didn't forget how Olivia treated her that one time she made her bow to that stupid girl. She had to do something do keep Henry by her side.


Henry was laying in bed. Agate slept peacefully next to him. She finally gave herself to him. But first, she demanded from him to banish Katherine and speed up divorce.He was confused. He still loved Agate, but he couldn't be away from Lady Olivia. He knew that she won't agree to become his mistress while he was still married to Katherine. Oh, how he wanted her. But he had to marry Agate, she promised him a son. Maybe they even conceived him tonight. He started to imagine his son, but instead of having blue hair and eyes, this time, he imagined him with dark hair and eyes that looked like dark pools.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 18, 2017 ⏰

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