Land Ho! Day 1; Part 2

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I cooed a good morning to him with a small smile. He looked up, still confused, before a moment of realization hit him. By this time I finally noticed how serious his wounds were when he got up but failed to do so.

Figuring it would be unkind of me to leave him in the condition he was, I offered to help him sit up but all he could muster was a simple nod. So, by wrapping my right arm under his arm, I tried my hardest to pull him up. It worked, but I wouldn't say it was perfect, either.

"Hey," Nicky cut in, "let's change those bandages, alright?"

Ash sheepishly smiled in return.


The gentle tap, tap, tap of water hitting the wet, tiled floor pierced the quiet atmosphere, the sound of running water prominent. A smile graced my lips as my eyes were closed in thin slits, presumably from thought. My hands caressed my hair, firmly rinsing it about before giving it a tight squeeze and turning off the Moen shower faucet. The shower head abruptly stopped spurting the soothing liquid bath.

I exited the quaint shower, wrapping my form in a thick towel before stretching. After I received that satisfactory "pop" I was aiming for, I dried my form off and studied my visage. I shrugged as it didn't matter. The Warden would blow a gasket if I didn't hurry! However, I highly doubted it. I don't think the Warden is capable of feeling such strong emotions such as rage. Yeah, he gets mad, but it's nothing too serious.

I shrugged again, a quirk of mine, leaving the topic for another time. For now, I had to get dressed into the mildly comfortable, insipid attire the Warden offered for every convicted who happened upon this "magical" jail of his.

I put my leg through the leggings of the jumpsuit, already adorning the thin and slightly over-sized undergarments Alice provided me when I first got acquainted with the penitentiary. I never expected to become a proletarian, especially the fact that I was female and also a convict. I'll have to inquire about that to the Warden later. For now, I had to meet the Warden at the galley to "partake in fine dining", as the Warden put it.

Walking out of the lavatory, I hastily gripped my brush before spotting a note on my bedspread as I rapidly groomed my atrocious bed-head. I knew what already the contents beheld, as Lord Stingray was the one who gave me the note in the first place. I growled as I recollected the memory when I abruptly left that foul-smelling residence. It was just after Ash reached cognition after comatose. I still felt bad for what happened to him, especially that incident with Alice. Poor Alice . . . Poor Ash . . .

Then an unsettling realization hit me.

I'd have to face her, whether I liked it or not. Alice, a tall, buff brute who I thought was devoid of emotion turned out to be quite the contrary, mental wise. I thought she was like a rock, tough and strict, but I never thought I could break her so easily . . . Just because I'm a petty friend.

I shook my head rapidly. I shouldn't dwell on such derogatory memories.

Setting the brush down to its designated spot, I crammed the note into the recesses of my lint-infested pockets. I buttoned up my attired before grabbing my key card. Best not be locked out!

I exited my room before stepping out into the corridor, busy with life. It seemed everyone got the memo that Super Boat has finally spotted life's fine booty. No, no, I'm not talking about that booty. I'm talkin' about land! Oh, glorious land!

It's funny how much you appreciate land after being on a boat for three days (that's not even that long!). At least I'll be able to see what Mother Nature has to offer . . . but Mother Nature's a bitch.

"H-Hey, (Y/N)!" Ash greeted, his voice raspy and his arm clutching his side in pain. My face softened but my expression stayed consistent. I was quite giddy and ecstatic for some reason!

"Hey, Ash," I retorted politely. "How's they injury?"

"Alright," Ash responded with a perfunctory shrug, "but it could be better."

I smiled in delight, seeing as Ash was recovering steadily. Nicky was kind enough to aid him and I made sure of it. Stingray on the other hand . . . he was apathetic and insouciant of the situation.

"Well, sorry, but I got to run!" I informed, beginning to hastily amble to the dining area. "I'll talk to you later! 'K?"

"Alright, then!" Ash called back and just when I received his retort, I sprinted to the other end of the hallway, confident that I'd make it by the Warden's designated time. Curse Stingray for my dawdling!

Oh, wait! It was much closer than I anticipated!

I heaved a sigh of relief before taking a deep breath. Man, I really needed to exercise . . .

I lifted up my appendages and opened the small door leading to the galley and I entered without another moment to spare. The room smelled . . . strange. It smelled of sustenance and food but at the same time that didn't happen to be so. I shrugged. Food was food. Prison food just happened to be complete and utter shit.

My (e/c) eyes glinted with delight as I spotted the Warden, but I squinted as I spotted him chatting idly with Alice. Alice seemed distant, almost perturbed. Was that by chance my fault? Oh, I see that glint in her eyes . . . She's mad, isn't she? Dang it! Why can't I be a good little bitch and attend to my duties instead of ruining a beautiful friendship that was budding?

I anxiously scrutinized my surroundings, spotting a plethora of inmates strewn here and there. I didn't find one empty spot I could loiter at in the time being to suffice my agitated stomach. Didn't matter, though.

"(Y/n)!" the Warden cooed as he slung an arm around my shoulder. I hated when people did that but I kept my cool and smiled back at the male. "Why don't you join us?"

Ah, fuck.

"I'd rather not. For once I want to be on my lonesome," I apprised the Warden, feigning a somber expression. He either saw through my lies or perhaps he was just persistent.

"Oh, bother! It won't be too long," the Warden persisted. "Plus, I'd rather have you near me so you can hear today's schedule with us!"

"But Warden-," I tried to say but he was quick to shut me up.

"No worries! It'll be fine. All details will be explained by Jared," the Warden informed with a slim smile, a finger pressed firmly against my lips, much to my chagrin. I pushed him lightly off of me, appreciating my own personal space.

"Alright, I will," I affirmed. "Just let me get something to eat. I'm famished!"


I exhaled a deep breath as the Warden sat back at his spot, his seat extravagant compared to the other more mundane options . . . I didn't really heed it too much.

Deciding to take this time to do what I actually said I was going to do, I retrieved a plate by the buffet but scowled as I scooped up each more appealing morsel to satisfy my cravings. It probably won't taste good but food . . . is food . . . I think I'm going to throw up!

I gagged voluntarily, almost practicing to be dramatic for the day. I might as well talk to the posse too. At least, that's what I usually do. Do I have any variety? I always hang out with the same people, it's kind of funny, really, heheh . . .

Welp, I guess I'll indulge in "fine dining".

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