Look Before You Leap

Start from the beginning

MAHDI: [sitting up straighter] Shady how?

ISAK: [shrugs one shoulder] Elusive. It feels like...like he's hiding something.

MAGNUS: [frowning] Another episode?

ISAK: I don't know. I don't think so, but...what do I know?

JONAS: [sighs heavily] Fuck. Isak? Just...ask him. Don't beat around the bush, ask him. And if he's being truly shady, dump him.

MAHDI: Blunt much, Jonas?

MAGNUS: Why are you so quick to believe the worst, Jonas?

JONAS: I'm not, but Even doesn't have the best track record.

ISAK: [rubs his eyes hard] Jonas...I know you mean well but shut the fuck up.

JONAS: Yeah, I mean well. And, no, I won't shut the fuck up. I'm tired of seeing you strung out over Even.

ISAK: [bristling] I haven't been strung out over Even, what the fuck?

JONAS: Not lately.


ISAK: No, not fucking lately. Yes, we had a rough start. No, things aren't always peaches and cream. This isn't a fucking movie, Jonas. We're going to have ups and downs.

JONAS: No one said life was a movie, well, no one but Even.

MAGNUS: Guys, stop.

ISAK: [leaning forward] Do you have a problem with Even?

JONAS: [looks up, takes a breath] Yes.

MAHDI: [groans] Fuck. Jonas, man.

JONAS: Not with Even, but with...look...Isak, he makes you happy. Most of the time. And you know I'm all for that. But if you think he's playing you again...

ISAK: Jesus fuck, Jonas. Is this how it's going to be? Every time I need to talk something out you're going to use it as an excuse to shit-talk Even?

JONAS: I'm not...

MAGNUS: Uh, yeah you are, dude.

MAHDI: Okay, everybody back up and take a breath. Shit.

All four boys stay silent for a while. Isak's leg bounces beneath the table. He's breathing hard, and his face is red. Magnus puts a hand on his shoulder.

MAGNUS: Tell us what's going on, we won't judge or jump to conclusions. [looks at Jonas] Right?

JONAS: [nods] Sorry, man.

ISAK: [nods, takes a deep breath] I walked in on him talking to Eskild the other day. As soon as I arrived, they stopped talking. They were both acting all weird.

JONAS: [brows raised] You don't think he and Eskild...

ISAK: [jaw drops] No! God, no. No. They were talking about me. I caught the tail end of their conversation, and Even said something about me dumping him if I found out whatever it was they were talking about.

MAHDI: Did you ask him?

ISAK: Yes.


ISAK: [blushing] He...uh...changed the subject.

JONAS: [rolls his eyes] Using sex to avoid a conversation is not a good sign.

MAGNUS: Good sex is good sex, though.

MAHDI: I am so not sharing a flat with you.

MAGNUS: [looks offended] Am I wrong?

JONAS: You need to have a conversation with Even, Isak. If something is bothering you, talk to him. It's better to know now if something's up, before you get in any deeper.

ISAK: [sighs and nods] Yeah.

MAGNUS: Honestly, Isak, I don't know if either of you could get any deeper. [brightens] That sounds so dirty!

MAHDI: Focus, blondie.

MAGNUS: [clears his throat] Right. What I'm saying is...Even cares about you. A lot. Like, a lot a lot. And we all know you're stupid over him.

Jonas snorts.

MAGNUS: Anyway. As I was saying, I don't think it's anything you need to worry about. No other guys. Or girls. Have we established whether Even is bi or pan?

MAHDI: Does it matter?

MAGNUS: No, I'm just curious. Anyway, Isak, don't worry yourself into a fit. You tend to do that.

MAHDI: Yeah, you do.

JONAS: Magnus is right. Ask him. Don't jump to conclusions.

Isak raises an eyebrow.

JONAS: I'll try not to jump to conclusions on your behalf.

ISAK: [nods slowly] Ask him.

MAHDI: Tonight.

MAGNUS: Before the sexy times.

ISAK: [rolls his eyes, but worries his bottom lip between his teeth] I...I don't want to lose him, but...maybe it's all too good to be true.


ISAK: Right. No jumping to conclusions.

MAHDI: Find out what's up.

JONAS: And if he fucked up, we'll deal with it.


JONAS: [nods once] We.

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