21. Soulless Eyes

Start from the beginning

"Newt, you can't fight them off and hold me as well" Lori replies, tears restricting the ability to yell very loud. "I need you to make it out of the Maze. That's all I want right now. You've been here for two years, I want you to escape. Please."

"Well, lucky I don't do what you bloody tell me to do then" He says with a forced smirk.

"I'm sorry" she whispers.

A few tears escape from his eyes. "Lori?"

As she start to unravel their fingers, he deciphers that her 'sorry', was actually a good-bye, and begins yelling again.

"Lori, don't you bloody let go!" He doesn't even falter before continuing to try to get her to stop.

"Lori, you can't leave me, please. I lov-" But Lori doesn't give him the chance to finish. His torn up expression is the last thing she sees, before she slips her hands free of his.

Before she falls into the darkness.


Lori woke with a start. Her body had automatically attempted to sit up, only to be kept right in place by cuffs over her wrists and ankles.

Not the way you want to wake up. Especially from something like that.

The light above her burns her retinas, the bright white glow focusing directly on her.
How long have I been out?

The room she was different to where she had been operated on, but the design style was definitely similar; white everything. Walls, floor, roof, lights, furniture. She wasn't kidding when she said everything.

A wave washed over her, leaving a chill down her spine and a pinching ache in her head. The memories. There were so many, her head hurt.

But she didn't care, because she finally had all of her memories that WICKED had stolen back. It was worth it in the end.

Some were good, some were bad, but it was better than having a void in your mind. She couldn't imagine having to go through another day without knowing her life.

And now she remembered Newt. All of him, not just the parts after she woke up in the Scorch.

From the time they first met back in the WICKED compound, to the last time they saw each other.

Tears swam in her eyes, thinking about all of the memories flying around inside her head. They really were in love before the Scorch.

But they had managed to find that love again without being surrounded by WICKEDs beetle blades and such. They made it on their own.

And WICKED's plan; had she really been a key aspect of that? With her brother, Thomas, Teresa, Rachel and the boy Archie? How did they manage to convince them to do that?

Probably those several years of brainwashing after they had kidnapped them.

Janson still hadn't mentioned what WICKED wanted of her, and that made her nervous. At this point, it was a waiting game.

The rest of the memories though, the one's with Newt, came to the forefront of her mind. Even the horrible ones like seeing him kiss Clara, were enough to make her smile.

She had finally been granted more time with him. Even if it was time she had, in a sense, already spent with him.

The happy thoughts were so calming and kind, until the memory of seeing him get shot slams to the front of the line, causing her breath to hitch as she remembers his soulless eyes.

Maybe I should've asked them to take that memory away.

No. No I can't go through life without the memory of what happened to him. What would I think? That he had ran off and left me?
I need to remember how strong he was, even when he was in pain.

I miss him.

And what of Thomas? Killing Newt would have shattered him.

Yet, he ran off, leaving her to mourn his body alone.

The door to the operating room swung open with a creak, revealing Janson with a smile on his face.

"Ah, glad to see you're finally awake. Tell me, how did the operation go? Have you received your memories back successfully?"

Lori didn't want to answer him, she just clamped her mouth shut. She owed him nothing. Giving her back her memories was the least of what WICKED owed her for ripping her life away.

"I will just have to take your solemnly angry glare as a yes then. I can only imagine what you're feeling right now. My apologies for all your losses, it must feel terrible. And Subject A5, what a shame. He was definitely one of ours brightest." Janson grinned the whole time, as if he couldn't care less that he had had a hand in killing so many people.

And now those people would never get to grow up, live lives, have a family. It was unfair to say the least. No one deserved to not be given that opportunity.

"Well, if you're not going to talk to me, the least you can do is look at me and acknowledge that I'm talking to you. That's the polite thing to do. You should know that now that you remember your mother and everything she taught you."
Janson had his hands behind his back, waiting for her to do something.

He sounded like a frustrated parent. It didn't suit him.

Lori swung her head to the side, glaring at the man but not daring to open her mouth. She didn't want to give him the pleasure of thinking that he had any power over her at all.

Janson was about to speak again, when a man entered the room. He walked over to Janson and said something quietly that Lori was unable to catch on to.

The corners of Janson's mouth tipped upwards slightly. Whatever he had been told had definitely brightened his mood considerably.

The other man left the room and Janson stepped closer to the bed, looking down at her carefully.
"We have a visitor, and I'm debating whether or not you're ready to see them or not. Tell me, is a day too soon to see the friend who murdered your other friend?"


By the look on the man's face, Lori could tell that he was enjoying this.

Lori's teeth ground against each other, almost biting her tongue to keep from responding.

"I'll tell you what," Janson began. "I'm going to let you watch the security cameras. I don't want him to know that you're here. Yet."

He walked off, and minutes later a screen descended from the roof. It glowed to life, an image slowly appearance.

A large door opened to reveal Thomas.

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