When You Learn How To Drive (Request By BlueVocaloidYui)

Start from the beginning

The car sped down the interstate and Shu smiled widly. "Ah you hear that Y/n!? I'm still youthful!" Shu said, dabbing. You looked at him confused and disgusted. "I'M WANTED BY THE POLICE! STOP ACTING SO CALM YOU DIMWIT! THE POLICE ARE CHASING ME!" Shu opened both eyes and smirked as if he had a devious idea. "Oh really?"

You kept driving with police sirens flying through your ears, and after twenty minutes, the entire Tokyo city police department was on your tail. "DAD WHAT SHOULD I DO?!" You screamed bitterly. "Well Y/n, in these situations, the only thing left to do is fake your death. Here, drive off that bridge." Shu jerked the wheel sending you both screaming off the bridge and into the 400 FT. drop down bellow. Fortunately you and Shu both escaped in a split second by opening the car door and flying to the shore.

"Well, that was fun. Wanna go grab an ice cream for a job well done?" Shu said patting your head. "Absolutely." You replied.


The rain was pouring immensely onto the ground. You stared at Reiji in disbelief as he looked at you, waiting patiently for you to make your next move. "Well Y/n? Go." Reiji ordered. You sighed looking at the weather. "Really father? It's pouring rain." He sighed and pushed his glasses up his nose. "Y/n, don't argue with your father. Go." You took a deep breath and ran into the rain. Amongst trying to open the car door, you found it was locked.

"FATHER IT'S LOCKED!" You complained. "CHANGE THE TIRE IN THE RAIN. DO IT!" Reiji yelled. You groaned and started changing the tire in a hasty format. Surely enough, the bolts were on too tightly, and it didn't budge. "FATHHHHHERRR!" You wailed and Reiji disappeared, and reappeared a few minutes later with some tea, still staring at you. "FATHER PLEASE!" You yelled and Reiji shook his head.

The next three hours, you changed the tire out. It was long and painful, but it got you out of the rain. And now Reiji had been sitting in the front beside you, ordering you to switch gears and stuff. You  drove fast down the interstate and Reiji began talking to you. "Okay Y/n, turn here." He singled you to turn left and you sighed heavily. "Father I can do this myself." You said. "Okay then." Reiji sat back and smirked as you drove in and out of a parking lot, and crossed a double lined road.

"Y/n. You cannot cross a double lined road." Reiji said with a sadistic smile. "Okay father. We get it." You repeated when you accidentally ran a stop sign. Reiji chuckled in reply. "I don't think you do." He said happily. "I GET IT OKAY?! SHUT UP!" Then he slapped you across the face and you shut your mouth at his authority. "Okay I'll shut up." You said.


Inside of the garage it smelt of oil and what you thought was gas. But it was Ayato so you didn't really know. He was looking around for an old ride that his dad used to drive, and finally he yanked off a long white cloth revealing a 1950's Ford.

"Dad? You expect me to drive that? How cute." You said rolling your eyes. "You should appreciate this Pancake! It's an American car from the 50's! It's absolutely dazzling, isn't it?!" Ayato exclaimed happily clapping his hands. In reply, you walked over to it and laughed. "Does this piece of junk even run? Or is that the engine over there?" Ayato looked behind him and saw the engine sitting on the shelf.

"Eek. Welp, Pancake Yours Truly has ho clue how to put in a car engine." He said scratching his hair. "There's a shocker." The sarcastic words flew out of your mouth and Ayato smacked your head. "You dare offend Yours Truly? Well, I may not have a car, but I know where to get one!"

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