Time after Time pt.2

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Y/n woke up from her sleep. It took her a second to open her eyes because the tea made her drowsy. She was tired, and didn't want to open her eyes anyway. The tea made everything go by in seconds. She looked to her left and right, only to see Remus and Sirius sleeping also. Tea was also by their bedside tables and they looked fast asleep. Sirius was smiling, probably having a good dream and Remus was just lying there slightly twitching in his sleep. She looked around and saw that James wasn't there, and though that maybe he had "recovered" from his fever. Y/n looked at the clock. It was 5:30. She felt that the she was sipping on her tea seconds ago and 7 hours went by? She walked out of bed and went to go take a sip of her tea tasting the chocolate filling her mouth. Her mouth watered as she continued to sipped the tea. She was so glad that Pompfy refilled her cup, cause that was good tea. Sirius rose from his bed randomly and started looking to the left and right of him. His eyes were wide and it looked like he had just seen a ghost.

"You okay Sirius?" Sirius looked at her slightly angry. "Hey Bud, you okay?" 

"Who have you been hanging out with?" He demanded looking at his sheets. 

"You, Remus and James! Why? Are you okay?" Y/N was worried. She had no idea what Sirius was thinking of, but it was a bit scary. 

"You like Remus? You do don't you!" Sirius said sipping on his tea. His left hand in a fist on his side. 

"You've got to be kidding me, right? Hilarious, but come off of it. I get the joke."

"You don't get it do you? YOU love Remus, you're always hanging out with him talking about the most recent books and going to Flourish and Blotts! Well go on then! Tell me. I'm strong enough to handle it."

"What the hell is wrong with you? Are you out of your mind Siri? You think that I like Remus! You've gone out of your mind haven't you." He sipped his tea again practically ignoring what she said.

"Give me that tea! Hand it to me." Y/n said sternly. Sirius didn't move but looked back at her and smiled ever so slightly. She walked up to him and grabbed the mug. 

"I'm doing this for you Sirius. I hope you understand that." She smashed the mug on the ground. The tea trickled across the clean ground, leaving a green tint onto the floor. Remus got up and looked down at the floor. His eyes lit up and he said,

"Something is wrong with that tea. Don't drink it. I'll have to look into it. I have no idea, maybe there is sloth brains which is used in a 'draught of death'." He got his book bag from under the bed and pulled out a potion bottle and filled it up half way. He shook the liquid and started getting out a book from his bag. 

"Hey Sirius. You want to get some sleep?" He nodded as y/n came and kissed him on the cheek. She laid next to him and played with his hair as he started to drift to sleep.


Remus continued to work on the mystery potion, y/n was talking to Sirius and asked him how he was feeling.

"I am so sorry, hon. I don't know what got into me. I don't even- I can't."

"Hey, it's okay." 

"You sure." 

"I think so."  

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