Unwanted Drama

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 The boys were all fine with going to detention, everyone but Remus. He was not excited on going, at all. He was fuming, he was pissed.

"Hey Rem, is that smoke coming out of your ears?" Sirius said sarcastically waving his hand as if smoke was filling the room.

They all started laughing including Remus until they finally reached the fat lady. They were laughing so hard they had trouble talking.

"Password!!!!" The plum women yelled. 

"Frog legs" said Y/N tears of laughter hitting her cheeks. 

The walked inside of the common room. Many were working on papers, some were talking, lots sleeping. James went to looked st the time. 

"11:30,He exsclamed how long were we there for?"He said starting to  walk up the boy dorms.

"Night Y/N."said James. Remus waved and Sirius (being the big flirt he is) winked. Y/N laughted.She walked toward the girl dorm when she heard the whispers of about 3 different girls. She opened the door of her room when she saw 2 different girls. 

Merlins Beard! One of the girls said. 

Hello.. Y/N trying to stay distant. The girls looked at her like she was the holy grail or something. She hopped into bed and turned of the light once the other too got into there beds, which were on the right if her. Once she closed her eyes she heard the whispers of the girls.

"You know who that is Sophia?" The girl asked

"No, who?" Said Sophia

"That's the one Padfoot likes!" Said the girl

"No way! Are you sure Keo?" Sophia said

Y/N though who the bloody hell was Padfoot. It's only the first day and she already has someone  with an eye on her. Who names there kid Padfoot? Maybe it's a code name. Maybe he's umm, Padfoot. Who the hell is Padfoot?

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