Homework assignments

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Who the heck is Padfoot? Y/n asked herself as the other girls fell asleep. To be completely honest, she had no idea who anyone was. The only people she knew was Sirius, Remus, and her brother of course. As she drifted of to sleep she had a dream.


Padfoot, who was a mysterious figure walked up to her. He whisper some words

"You know me, I promise." He said his voice unfamiliar. 

The figure walked away, waving and smiling.

"Wait! Who are YOU!!!! She yelled

End OF Dream:

She sat up straight, the sun shining through the window, everyone was still asleep. She walked down to the common room. There sat her brother James, Sirius, Remus and some boy she didn't know. Was that Padfoot? As it seemed Remus was giving James answers to his Potions homework.

"So, what do you have to use to make a draught of death potion." Remus asked teacherly 

"Uh,- something, um Sloth Brain? James asked, Sirius's eyes lit up, since yes Sloth brains were used in the draught of death potion.

"Hey guys! Y/n said sitting down next to the unknown kid.

"Oh, Hi I'm uh- Peter. Peter Pettigrew." Peter said shyly

"Well, my name is Y/N." she said and then started talking to James.

"So, you didn't do Slughorn's homework?" 

Sirius smiled knowing that she did it, and her brother was going to have a "good day".

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