Chapter 11 - Hope

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It's been five hours since Sonic saw daylight, and since he saw his friends, he wished he could see them again, Sonic started to think if he would never see them and daylight ever again.

Just then a voice came from the shadows of another cell.

"Don't be afraid Sonic I'm here" the voice said sounding very comforting. The silhouette had been hearing Sonic weep and talk to himself for the past hours.

"Who's there?!" Sonic said afraid to know who was talking.

"Don't you remember me?" The voice asked.

"I can't say I do" Sonic said to the voice.

"Maybe I should step into the light a bit" said the voice so she walked into the light.

Sonic was in shock, he couldn't believe who was talking to him. Standing in the cell next to him was Queen Aleena Sonic's mother.

"Mom?! Is it really you?!" Sonic said running to her and tried to hug through the cell bars.

"Yes Sonic it's me" Aleena said shedding tears in the process, she was happy to see one of her kids again. "Where's Manic and Sonia?" She asked.

"Oh they are trapped in another prison" Sonic said sadly he missed them a lot, more so Amy.

"Trapped? Oh dear we must save them!" Aleena said to Sonic.

"But how?! These bars are unbreakable!" Sonic told his mom, but then second guessing himself about the bars.

"I was able to make a key to get us out" Aleena said showing him the key she made.

Sonic nodded in agreement to use the key and break out of this prison. Aleena used the key on her cell then on Sonics.

"Now let's get to the others!" Sonic said to his mom and they both ran off through the dark halls of the castle.

"The end is coming for that hedgehog and will pay for his actions." Sonic thought as he ran through the halls along side his mother.

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