Chapter 8 - A Lost Fight

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"Well well look at what we have here, the hedgehog family is reunited" Shadow said floating in the air.

Sonic and Manic went behind Sonic in fear, they did not want to face a powerful hedgehog like shadow. This hedgehog was able to teleport using chaos control without the chaos emeralds.

"What do you want shadow?" Sonic  ask while getting into his fighting position.

"If you haven't heard already, I am the new prince of mobius!" Shadow said to sonic and his friends. Sonia did not like what she was hearing.

"Hey that's not true! Sonic is the real prince of Mobius!" Sonia shouted in anger, her brother was the rightful ruler to Mobius.

"Dudet chillax, you don't want to upset him" Manic said calming down Sonia, he hated seeing her sister upset and angry.

"Yes listen to your little brother princess!" Shadow said doing his evil laugh right after he finished his sentence.

"Wait Sonic....Your a prince?!" Amy ask looking right into Sonic's eyes waiting for an answer along with everyone else, except shadow. Sonic sighed and told them the truth.

"I am the prince of Mobius and I have to save my kingdom!" Sonic announced, unfortunately shadow did not agree.

"Oh ha ha ha! I am the real ruler of Mobius!" Shadow said nearly shouting to Sonic and his friends. Sonic could not take this anymore.

"Enough Shadow! Let's fight to see who will rule Mobius!" Sonic said waiting to see what Shadow will say to his requests.

"Hmmm, let's!" Shadow answered glitching from here to there, then hitting Sonic in the back with his kick.

Sonic fell to the ground but got up as quick as lightning, he turned into a ball and hit shadow right in the face. Shadow went back and came after Sonic, but this time using chaos control, he raised up his hand showing an chaos emerald.

"A chaos emerald....but how?!" Sonic said walking toward shadow trying to tell to stop and put the emerald back. Shadow refused and used chaos control to knock Sonic clear across the battlefield.

"SONIC!" Everyone shouted except shadow, and ran to Sonic as fast they could, while shadow smiled for his victory, now he just wanted a trophy for it.

"Sonic I'm coming!" Amy shouted running to Sonic, just then shadow appeared in front of Amy, she was scared.

"Amy is it?" Shadow ask Amy.

"Yes that's my name! You no do gooder!" Amy said trying to hit Shadow with pink hammer.

"Enough of this!" Shadow said grabbing Amy the disappearing without a trace, kidnapping Amy Rose in the process.

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