is we just friends?

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No one POV
It was the end of school you grabbed your stuff and went to your locker and put some stuff up then you walked down the hall to the door "KAYLA " you turned around and it was Kylie running up to you "yes" "come on my car is this way" Kylie said pulling you to her car you and Kylie walked to her car when yall got there she unlocked her door and you both got in "so why do you want me to come to your house" "because I have no one to talk to at home and I be bored" you nodded and Kylie pulled off and you fell asleep for a little "Kayla where here wake up😂*shaking you*" you woke up and looked and all you saw was a big ass house you turned to Kylie and looked at her she laughed "what" "your house big asf" "yeahhhh ik " you laughed and got out the car and walked up the drive way Kylie unlocked the door you walked in and just looked around Kylie grabbed your hand "come on let's go to my room " kylie grabbed your hand and pulled you upstairs to her room when yall got to her room you took your shoes off and your jacket kylie went in her bathroom to do something you got in her bed and layed down and played on snapchat till kylie came out the bathroom looking fine asfffff omg she got ass you scared hair for a while till she noticed you was looking she smirked "you should take a picture it well last longer " you laughed 《kylie in the mm》 she got in the bed with you and layed down she grew your phone out your hand and went to your contacts and put her number in as

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You grabbed your phone to see what she was doing you laughed "why those emojis" "idk i just like them " you nodded she grabbed your phone again so you grabbed hers and put her password in you went to her settings and put yous finger print in so can get in her phone whenever you want to "KYLIE " you yelled in her ear "Lol yes and you know I'm right here you don't have to yell " "yeah ik and i want to Netflix and chill" she laughed then looked at you like do you know the meaning of Netflix and chill you laughed at her face she turned her tv on and gave you her remote control and layed back next to you she was all in your messages being nosey you looked at her being all nosey you laughed to yourself because you know it's nothing in there "why you being nosey " "huh..uh..ummmm idkkk" she said she grabbed the cover and got under it "get under the covers with me "she said poking you you got under the covers and Kylie got comfortable and put her lag around your lag half her body was on your body you didn't know were to put your hands so you decide to get comfortable yourself and put your hands on her ass there was nowhere else to put them so you was like this one hand was on kylie ass the other one was holding the phone you was on aka kylie phone one of kylie lags was around yours

"Kylie!!..... owww that hurts " you said she ignored you and kept jumping on you she jumping on you because you took your phone away from her because she was trying to go in your private snapchat saves which is a lot of stuff......😉😉 in there that she shouldn't see "LET ME SEE THE PHONE!!!"kylie said still jumping on you "no" she was low key looking good jumping on you because her boobes was jumping and everything she stopped jumping on you and pouted 😔😔"whyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy noooottt" "because I don't want to give it to you " "whyyy? " "i just don't want to " "fine" she got off you looking sad she got under the covers and turned her back in front of you and tryed to go to sleep but you pulled the covers off of her and turned her over and got on top of her and started jumping "stopppp I'm trying to sleep" " i well stop when you tell me your not mad" "okkkkkkkk I'm not madd" you stopped and smiled tell kylie grabbed your face and kissed you you was confused for a minute but then you kissed back then the kiss got deeper than it turned into a make out........THAN!!!!


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