Present day

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Hi I'm Autumn Shae Winchester you've finally caught up to the present day. It's 2 days after my fathers death and I finally realized what my last vision was about. My dad was making a deal with the yellow eyed demon to save deans life. I haven't told my big brothers yet and I don't plan to. It wasn't smart but I think that's why he did it. Anyways we cremated him yesterday and that was the last time I'm ever gonna cry There aren't anymore tears for me to give. Bobby was nice and decided to let us stay with him for a while, since dean was fixing the impala. And I think I'm gonna help him today oh there he is I guess I'll ask him now "hey dean can I help you with the impala today?"
"Sure why not kido." He said still I looking upset but it was only 2 days ago when dad died so I fully understand. "Do you know how to fix an engine?" Dean asked me.
so I told him "I've never even picked up a wrench."
"Well today your gonna learn, why don't you go over and grab that tool box there and follow me."
"Okay!" I said ready to help with a big doofus  looking smile on my face. But I was glad he finally spoke since dad... well ya know and I was glad that he wasn't pissed at me or something. About and hour or 2 later sam came out to tell us about a voice mail some lady left dad. We decided to go check it out so Bobby lent us one of his crappy cars and we went to her road house.

A few hours later when we arrived no one was at the bar so we walked in. Sam went to look in the kitchen and me and dean looked around the dining area. Than all of a sudden there was a gun on deans back and he says "I hope that's a gun."
"No I'm just really happy to see you." Said some girl in her low 20's.
"Ya know you shouldn't put the gun right up to a persons back because than they can do this" said dean as he pushes the gun away since I still had my brace on I couldn't really do much but the girl was very pretty. She had blonde hair and brown eyes they were perfect. Anyways she clocked dean right in the face. So dean grabbed his face and said "Sammy I need some help in here!"
"Can't dean I'm a little caught up at the moment." Said sam as he walked out of the kitchen with another women that had a gun to his back. "Who are y'all?" She said.
"I'm autumn this is dean and thats sam."
"Ya why?"
"Huh, Johns kids?"
"Ya how did you know ?"
"He was family once but... anyways what brings y'all up this way? How's your dad?" As she said that we all looked down at our feet cause we didn't want to answer. "He's alright isn't he?"
Than sam finally spoke up "no he a... he's passed."
"Wow that's gotta be hard" said the other girl.
"What's your name?" I asked referring to the younger girl.
"I'm Helen" said the older woman "and this is my daughter Joe."
"How do you know my dad?" I asked
"He and my dad were pals." Said joe
"So what brings y'all by?" Asked Helen
"You left a voice mail on our dads cell saying you could help... help with what?" Said dean
"With that yellow eyed demon of yours." Said Helen
"How did you know about that?" I Asked
"Honey word travels fast around hunters." Said joe wait did she just call me honey.
"So ah we were wondering if you could help decipher our dads notes."said sam
"ASH !!" Said Helen and Joe at the same time. The guy sleeping on the pool table rolls off and says " hmm ya what?"
"Ash get over here!" Said joe
"Ya "
Than me dean and sam sat at the bar and joe gave us all beers than sam said "hey she can't have beer she's only 15"
"Oh a sorry " said joe with a long face that seemed a little sad when she learned how old I was.
"Really sam ?!?" I said "not cool dude."
"What did I tell you autumn... no more alcohol."
"Know what just shut it. It's not like I'm an alcoholic I've only had one or two."
"You know what-" said sam as dean cut him off
"Sam chill it."
"No butts "
"Can I have some water please joe?" I said politely looking at sam.
"Sure thing kido." Said joe with a slight smile.
"So you sure he can decipher this?"  Said sam
"Give him a chance he's a genius." Said joe

So ash starts to go through a little bit of the notes and says "give me 51 hours and I can tell ya everything ya need to know."
"Ok hey ash I like the hair." Said dean
"Ha ya business in the front party in the back." Said ash
So than dean tries to flirt with joe so I said "dean come here."
"Ya what."
"Dude back off a little."
"Autumn do you... are you-"
"No I ... i a just stop okay?"
"K sure thing."
So dean goes and sits with sam and I go and talk to joe. "Hey so joe ah how old are you?"
"22 and I used to go to college but you can see how that turned out cause I'm here."
"I see cool."
"What grade are you in fall?"
"I'm supposed to be a freshman but I dropped out in 7th grade."
"No way cool."
"Hey autumn come on we got a case." Said dean as he was sitting across the room.
"Hey before you go I - I lost my number can I have yours ?" Joe just asked me the cheesiest pick up line ever but all I could do was smile. Than I said "let me see your phone."
So I programmed my number into her phone and than I had to be out the door. Than she texted me and it said
~this is joe ~
~hey send me a pic~
~for caller ID silly~
~Oh ok ~
Than I sat up looking out the window taking the perfect picture and I sent it to her. Than a minute latter she sent me a picture of her holding a beer bottle. So I cropped it and set it as her caller ID as well. Than sam and dean started to talk to me "autumn are you... do you like girls or boys?" Asked dean
"Dean why would you ask her that?" Said sam
So than dean starts to whisper "she told me to back off when I was flirting with joe than she went and flirted with her."
"I can hear you dean." I said irritated by him whispering.
"Oh sorry fall but witch do you like?"
"I really don't know maybe I think I like boys dip shit." As I said that I started to think maybe I do like girls. I mean they are nicer, funnier, cleaner, and over all prettier. So my sarcastic smile fell and dean could see that I was thinking long and hard about that question.
"Are you sure fall?" Said sam
"Maybe I don't know." And I sounded really pathetic when I said that but it's true I really don't know if I like joe like that or not.
Later on our way to a little town called Milton.

So we finally arrived so I ran to the hotel room and jumped on the bed and started reading through our messages. Dean than walks up to me and says "autumn it's time to get to work."
So I said "What are we gonna do than?"
So sam and dean started to bicker over being scared of clowns and being scared of air planes. "Well at least I'm not scared of air planes."Said sam
"Ya well planes crash!" Said dean
"And apparently clowns kill!"
"Shut up" I said than sam says
"Okay either we do research or we talk about autumn and her feelings for joe."
"Research it is ." I said than we did research for a whole 2 hours and I was pooped so I layed down and feel asleep.

Autumn Shae Winchester, A Hunters Sister.Where stories live. Discover now