dads on a hunting trip

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3 years later

"Autumn... Autumn...Fall WAKE UP!"said Dean in a whiny voice.
"What in the hell do you want?" Said Autumn.
"I'm hungry so get up let's go."
" Fine but stop calling me fall my name is Autumn." Irritatedly stated Autumn.
"No it's you nickname. I could call you auto."
"Whatever." Autumn wasn't in an arguing mood.

So she slowly stretches out of bed and goes to the bathroom and washes her face and stares for a second at the little scare on her forehead from when Sam had pushed her off a bed. Than puts on her favorite blue flannel with a white t-shirt underneath, the reason why it's her favorite is because it was Sam's and it's still a little too big but she doesn't mind, some skinny jeans and a pair of black boots. Finally she double French braids her hair and walks out of the bathroom.
"Gee took ya long enough."
"Shut it I have a gun you know that right."
" touche little sis, come on I'm starving."

So they walk outside to that black, 4 door, Chevy, impala and put their bags in the trunk than they drive to the nearest dinner. "I'll have a stack of pancakes with an extra side of pig. Oh and a coffee." Said Dean with a half smile on his face.
"Okay and for you ma'am?"
"I'll have some oatmeal with fruit and an orange juice please." Said Autumn with a half smile as well.
"Okay your order will be out soon."

Autumn is a little confused at this point normally she and dean are talking about music, or about why she dresses so much like him, or the case that they are working on. But today was different, today they didn't say a word until their food came. "So"said Autumn.
"So ...."said Dean.
"What's up with you?"
"Um.. ya see - uh we uh we need Sam. I don't mean we aren't good cause we are but because dad hasn't been home in 2 weeks i-i don't know what else to do."
"Okay" said Autumn as she leans back in her seat trying to remember sam. What he looks like, what he Acts like, and why he's not there. John had always told her he ran off cause he was scared of this life. But she wasn't there that night and she didn't want to make dean upset by talking about it to him. Even though he secretly wished she would.
"Fall you okay?"
"Ya ya I'm fine"
Later that night. Autumn still isn't old enough to drive so dean had to do all the driving.

Anyways they pull up in front of Sam's apartment building and dean shuts off the engine. So they both hop out and dean starts walking towards the fire escape.
"what are you doing?" Said Autumn as she followed him.
"This way it's way more fun."
"Come on chicken shit"
"Shut it "
"Come up here and make me.... Chicken shit!"
"Oh I will."

So Autumn follows dean up the fire escape and trough the window he lock picked and than*thud*. Dean and Sam were wrestling to the floor and than Dean pinned Sam to the floor.
"Dean?!?" Said sam.
"Hiya kiddo! Ya lost your touch there." Said Dean.
"Where's Autumn?" Questioned Sam.
"Here"said Autumn, in a shy voice, as she said that dean looks up and Sam flips around and pins dean on the floor.
"I take that back." Said Dean.
"What are you guys doing here?"
"Um ya see Sam we need to talk to you in private." Said Autumn referring to Sam's girlfriend in the room.
"No what you need to say you can say it in front of Jess."
"Look Sam Dad's on a hunting trip and he hasn't been home in a few days. " Said Dean .
Sam's packing he's bags and only plans on being gone for the weekend. But Jess doesn't think he should go. But he does, he walks along side dean to the impala and Autumn is already sitting in the back seat. "So... Um ... Fall how's school going kiddo? "
"Um... Ya know it's going."
"Ya? You'll be getting your permit this year right?"
Then dean says" Autumn tell him!..."
"Just tell him."said Dean unwilling to hear no.
"OK ... Um... Sam ya see I a... Dropped out of school this year so um..Ya " said Autumn nervously. She could see Sam's face drop in the mirror on the side of the car.
"You what!?!"
"I... Dropped out"
"Why? Is it because of dad?"
"Watch your f***king mouth when you talk about dad okay you were NOT THERE!!!"

And than the car was silent for a good 10 minutes and than Sam says "so why did you drop out?"
"After you left I couldn't find my focus, and dad and dean needed my help, because a demon was riding their asses so I had no time for school." Said Autumn in a calmer manner.
"Autumn... I...Oh...I'm sorry I didn't know i-"
"Exactly you didn't so just drop it okay!" Autumn started to tear up because of her anger and rage towards Sam. And she hated being upset with her brother's.

So dean turns up he music and Autumn starts to sing along to it. And Sam just stares at her in the mirror. And dean realizes that now Sam will probably stay to try and make it up to Autumn.

Since it was 12 dean pulled into a random hotel just off the highway and they got a room. The only problem was the sleeping arrangements.
"How's this gonna work?" Said Dean.
"Easy I get this bed and you 2 share this one." Said Autumn in a playful voice.
"Here how about Sam gets this bed and me and Fall will share this one." Said dean in a groggy voice.
"Fine but that means you have share and not hog all the pillows..!.." said autumn as she jumps in with her outfit for the day still on. Than dean takes his flannel off and lays down next to her as Sam sat down on the other bed. Than dean says "Sam could you turn out the light?"
"Sure "

Autumn was already fast asleep like a baby curled up next to he eldest brother. Dean was laying on his back staring at the ceiling and listening to his sisters breathing. And Sam was laying there thinking about what he is going to say to his dad. Than autumn woke up scared out of her mind and started coughing and couldn't stop. So dean got up and gave her a bottle of water and said "you okay fall?"
"Ya I'm fine but *cough* I'll be fine." Said autumn breathing heavily.
"You sure?" Said dean. "What did you dream about?"
" ya... um .. it was us fighting a monster but we lost and...I -" she starts to tear up.
"It's ok it was just a dream nothing to worry about I promise." Interrupted dean.
So Sam was just sitting there scared to death because he didn't know what hit him. He tried to remember the last time she did that. But he realized that she never did that in her sleep before. So he got really worried and finally fell back asleep.
Than dean sat back down and said "get some sleep and we will go to a doctor tomorrow afternoon."
"Ok" said autumn

In the morning autumn was still asleep and so was dean so Sam woke them up and said "wakie wakie eggs and bakie!"
"Don't say that unless you have eggs and bakie!..." said dean as he was still half asleep.
"Well get up we gotta go." Said Sam
"Ok I will wake fall up" said dean as he shakes her arm and tells her she needs to get dressed. So she got to the bathroom and puts on a purple flannel with black tank top underneath with a pair of jeans and her boots. She decided to wear her hair down today since it was wavy and she really liked that. As she walked out she saw that dean was wearing a red flannel with a black shirt underneath also a leather jacket and jeans and his work boots. She also saw that sam was wearing a T shirt, a jacket, jeans, and boots as well.
"Lets go" said autumn.
"Okay well we have to get some food before we go to Florence " said dean.
"K than move your butts!" Said sam.

They walk out the door, into the impala, and they went to the nearest dinner and had their breakfast. And talked about finding a doctor to take autumn to. And they found one right there in Florence, witch is were they are going. Then they were on the way.
"Dean?!?" Said sam.
"What?" Said dean.
"You need to update your cassette taps."
"Because first of all they are cassette taps and they are the best hits of the metallic rock"
"Well sam house rules-" said dean as he was interrupted by autumn saying
"Drive picks the music and shotgun shuts his cake hole."
"That's my girl up top." Said dean as they high five.

Autumn Shae Winchester, A Hunters Sister.Where stories live. Discover now