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"up here take it slowly but go right and keep her under 60." Said dean.
"Okay how do I use the signals?" Said Autumn.
"Move that stick all the way up for left and all the way down for right." Explained Sam.

*********2 hours later.
They arived at Sam's apartment building and they ask her who's it gonna be? "I....I.....I choose, I choose dean."said Autumn with a single tear rolling down her face.
Sam than gets out says he loves them than he walks inside. realizing Sam left his bag dean grabs it and runs up stairs. Sam than lays down on his bed with his eyes closed. He then opens his eye and looks up and screaming "Jess!!"
Than she cought on fire than Dean yells "Sam!"

And he basically pulls him outside and they run behind the impala. Than Autumn hops out and says "what?"
And then*BOOM* glass shaders everywhere. An hour later they give Their statements to the cops than they are back on the road again.
3 hours later.
They end up in a good sized town where there was a lot to do and monsters to hunt. But first they all needed time to get back on track so they stopped at a hotel and stayed the night. But this time Sam didn't sleep at all he just sat there in his bed. As dean had his arm around his little sis holding her close he thought about what will happen when they find Thier dad. And Autumn was curled up in a ball next to her brother thinking of what happened and not wanting to ever speak about it again.

That next morning they all slept in till 10 A.m. and when they finally got up Sam took a shower and cried a little but he didn't know dean and Autumn could hear him clearly. So they didn't say anything about it because he was entitled to it he loved her so of course they didn't want to hurt him. He got dressed in a green flannel, dean wore a blue flannel, and Autumn wore a pink flannel. They all hopped in the car and got breakfast and found a case to help Sam forget. The case was kind of odd this construction worker died of mad cow disease only moments after he fell into a sink hole. But had no signs of this disease ever in his entire life it takes years for mad cow disease to eat away your brain but his was gone in seconds.

So they went to check it out. They pull up across the street from the sink hole and Autumn was the first one out of the car. She ran over to the sink hole and said "there is only room for one."
Than Dean and Sam went on having an argument on why they should go down so Autumn says " hey hold this end of the rope and don't drop me!" As she ties it around her waist.
"Ha your not going ." Says Sam.
"Why? you don't think I can? watch me!" said Autumn. As she jumps into the hole hoping they won't drop her.
She sees hundreds of dead Beatles so she grabbed a hand full and put them in her pocket and yells "pull me up!"

So they get in the car and Autumn shows them the Beatles. So dean says "so what? You found yourself some little bugs."
"Dean there are flesh eating beatles, usually dead flesh but flesh is flesh. And plus it's the only lead we got."said Sam as he examined the Beatles on Autumn's hand.

So they get back to the hotel room and Autumn started doing research while Sam took a nap and dean went to get food. And she found out oasis plans has had one other death before construction even started. Than dean walked in and said "who wants to go to a barbecue?"
"Why?" Said autumn
"It's because of the free food." Said sam as he gets out of bed.
"Lets go than." Said autumn
So they pull up to the house in oasis planes and  get out. So dean knocked on the door and the relater says "hi welcome to oasis planes !"
"Is this the barbecue?" Asked dean as autumn gave him the stink eye.
"Oh yes well let me just say that we accept home owners of any race, religion," he paused a moment "or sexual orientation."
"Oh no a-"said sam as autumn cut him off.
"Ya see me and my dads are looking for a house for my grandpa."
"Sure thing seniors are welcome to." As they turned to walk sam and dean looked at each other and then sam softly punched autumn in the arm. So she gave him a slight smile like Ha b***ch . So then they walk to the backyard and meet the salesperson and she said "Oh yes well let me just say that we accept home owners of any race, religion, or sexual orientation."
Than dean says "I'm gonna go tour the house ok honey." And as he does that he slaps sam on the butt so autumn face palmed and said "eww." And the salesperson just felt uncomfortable for a moment. Than some kid let his big spider loose and autumn said "excuse me " than walked over to the boy and said "hey what's with the huge spider?"
"First of all its a turanchula and second it's just a joke."
So than sam picks up the spider and says "autumn who's your friend ... oh and here's your spider."
"I'm matt... and you are?"
Than the relater says "matt" wanting him to come.
"See ya matt" said autumn in a girly voice.
"Oh someone has a crush." Said sam.
"Wh...what no...him you crazy." Said autumn.

Than Dean comes over and talks to Sam and Autumn and Sam says "I think someone has a crush." Referring to Autumn who was blushing as she watched matt and his dad walk in the house.
"Ahhh I see" said Dean "hey fall you want to interview the kid?"
"Sure!.." said Autumn excitedly as she turns than is stopped by Sam saying "don't do anything we wouldn't do."
"Shut it." Said Autumn with a frustrated look on her face. Than she cools down and walks inside and goes upstairs. She finds a room that says stay out on it so she knocks and no one answers so she says something like "hello anyone in here?" But no one answers. So she walks into the room and looks around and Autumn is amazed at all the bugs. But she was also terrified because bugs kind of creep her out. Than matt walks in and says "hey what are you... Oh uh hi again."
"Um wh.... What are you doin in my room."
"Looking for you silly."
"What's an attractive girl like you looking for me for?" For a moment Autumn felt special she had never had anyone besides her brother's tell her she was pretty. And she always thought Sam and dean were supposed to say that cause they are her family.
So with a smile on her face and now blushing cheeks she says"oh ... Uh I wanted to see your spider .... Sorry turanchula again and I wanted to ask you if you had any other spider pets..."

And so they get to talking for a good 45 minutes and then dean texts Autumn and says
~hey u ready to go~
~k you got 5 min then we r going back to the hotel~
~but dean~
~no buts that's 5min~

"Hey um my dad just texted me and said I have 5 minutes until I have to go." Said Autumn in a sadish voice.
"Oh ... ah... OK well what do you want to do in these last 5 min?"
"I don't know um ."
Than matt interupts Autumn and kisses her on the lips. She immediately pushed him off and said "what the f*ck."
"Why did you do that?"
"Because I... Uh I don't know"
"I got to go but um. It was nice talking to you."
"Oh" said matt in a sad voice but than Autumn kisses him on the cheek and than she walks out the door.
She gets into the impala and than Dean says "so what did you 2 do?"
"Just talked."
"Are ya sure that's all ya did?" Asked dean.
"Ya I would know I was there Dean."
"You didn't kiss or anything right?" Asked dean as Autumn turned red and said "I don't know... Maybe."
" Aww her first kiss." Said Sam.
"Sam no ... Ah just stop."said Dean.
"Oh "
"Ya but it was just magical."
"Did he kiss you or did you kiss him?"asked dean.
"He kissed me." As soon as Autumn said that she regretted it because she saw deans face go from wow nice to I'm gonna kill him.
Than Dean said "I need to teach that kid a lesson."
"No you won't lay a finger on him!!"
So they get back to the hotel room and autumn was texting matt for an hour straight until she had to do research with dean. Because she knew Sam wouldn't really care but dean would probably take her phone away. But it was hard for her to stop texting matt because he kept telling her jokes and telling her she was pretty even though she didn't believe it. And he asked when he could see her again and she said that she didn't know but that she hoped it was soon.
"Autumn get off your phone and help do research." Said Dean. He sounded a little upset so she told matt she would text him later when she was done with homeschool.
"OK fine ... Fine."
"So what do ya know so far?"said Dean.
"That bugs were the things killing these people and that we should go investigate some more tomorrow." Said Autumn.
"Maybe she just wants to have another date." Said Sam.
"Shut up that's not true!"
"Oh ya prove it.... And try saying that you 2 didn't kiss your first time meeting each other."
"Sam I won't date him I won't date anyone OK. not after last time . Does that make you happy!"
"What do you mean last time?."
"Just shut you pie hole Sam and drop it!" Said Dean.
"Fine sorry I ever brought it up."
"I will tell you some other time." Whispered Dean to Sam.

So dean told Autumn to go for a cool down walk and to be back in 30 min. So she put on her shoes, grabbed her phone and walked out the door. She just walked around the block 4 or 5 times in the cool night time air. She started texting matt again and she asked if it was OK that she texted him this late and he said it was perfectly fine.
~hey when do you get out of school tomorrow?~
~3 but my bus gets to my stop at 330~
~is it OK if I see you after school?~
~ya sure but will your dad's let you?~
~ya they need to ask you some questions anyways~
~uh ok~
~its OK it's nothing personal.~
~k 330 one Street down from my house.~
~k I'll be there~

Autumn Shae Winchester, A Hunters Sister.Where stories live. Discover now