The fighting never ends

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So autumn fell asleep on one of the beds and sam and dean fell asleep on the other. While john was watching his kids sleep he realized they all sound different when they sleep than when they are awake. Autumn sounds like a normal child with normal problems but when she's awake she a not so normal child with a scary life. Dean when he's asleep he sounds like a respectable dad but when he's awake he's just a big brother trying to get his family back together. And when sam is asleep he is like a dog cause he moves around in his sleep but when he's awake he's a nerdy big bro with attitude. Than autumn got cold so she looked around and was scared for a sec cause she's been so used to sharing with her big bro she felt alone and useless. Just like that morning but she rolled over and saw that dean was right there on the other bed. he was smiling in his sleep so she sat there and watched him wondering what he was dreaming about.
"Wake up you three!"yelled john than autumn sat up and her head started to hurt so she went into the bathroom and she sat in there staring into the mirror. As her vision went crazy she fell than she saw a man with yellow eyes talking to her father. And than dean burst in "autumn are you okay?"
"Ya I'm fine ."
"What did you see?"
"Can I tell you later please."
"Sure tell them that you slipped and hit your head."
"Autumn you okay"said sam
"Ya I just slipped."
"Hurry up guys we are burning daylight." Said john not knowing what had happened.
So they get dressed autumn was the first out the door. She jumped into the impala with dean and sam while john got in his big 4 door cab heavy duty pickup.
"Gee dean if I knew you were going to destroy her I wouldn't have given her to you" said john referring to the car. Sam got in the drivers seat and they were off. sam was getting frustrated with his dad already. Sam didn't like to be bossed around by his dad because, that's one of the reasons why he left the first time, he's not a soldier unlike his siblings.
"Dad said turn off on the next exit." Said dean so sam sped up passing his dad and stopping right in front of him and sam got out of the car
"Oh boy here we go again " said dean
So they all get out of the car "get back in the car!" Said john
"No I'm not taking orders from you dad." Said sam
"That's an order." Said john
"I am done taking orders from you" said sam " I'm not a soldier you can't boss me around."
"Come on guys the fighting never ends with you 2." Said autumn
"Thats why I left in the first place" whispered sam as he walks autumn toward the car.
"What did you say!" Said john
"You heard me ." Said sam with autumn holding him back.
"Your the one who walked out!"
"But your the one who said Not to come back your the one who slammed that door!"
Than sam, dean, and autumn got back into the impala and they finally got to the building. dean was asking autumn one last time if she wants to go in. Than they head in ready to fight but autumn had never even seen what a vamp nest looked like. The order they walked in was john, dean, autumn, and sam. When they got in the room where the vamps were asleep they saw that there was about a dozen or so. But right than one of them woke up and screamed when it saw them. Than sam grabbed autumn to help get the 3 vamps behind them but she wasn't very good so she did the best she could to hold them off so sam could cut their heads off. But she was grabbed by a vamp and than the vamp said "Stop OR She becomes one of us."
So they stopped and dean said "ok ok no need for that."
"Drop the weapons and you tie them up."
So they did but little did the vamp know autumn had a knife in her back pocket. But he had cut her cause he was going to turn her anyway. So she pulled it on him as she kicked him. Than she ran over and grabbed a machete and two of them came at her but she cut their heads off. Than dean got lose and helped her. And than all of them were dead and dean and autumn hugged but one wasn't dead yet and it bit sam but than john killed it. Sam was bleeding but he would be ok cause only if their blood comes in contact with one of you wounds will you become one of them. But a bit will hurt like hell.
So they got out of there as fast as they could. And when they got back to the hotel they packed their bags and left. Autumn kept begging her dad to stay with them but he wouldn't so she was upset. And than they looked for a new case and autumn didn't even want to talk let a lone do a case. She was worried about her vision with her dad and the yellow eyed man. She thought if her dad didn't come with them now than she would probably never see him again.
A few hours later on their way to the beach.

"So autumn what was your vision earlier?" Asked dean .
"You had a vision, when?" Asked sam
"When she slipped ." Said dean
"Why did you lie than?" Asked sam
"Autumn please talk." Said dean
"Autumn " said sam worried about why she wasn't talking.
"Are we still going to the beach?" Asked autumn
"If you want to we can." Said dean
"Ya I do."said autumn
"Ok than." Said dean
"Off to the beach we go." Said sam

As they pull up to the beach they saw there was a lot of people.
"Are you sure there's a lot of people?" Asked sam
"Ya I'm sure."
So they get out of the car and realize they don't have swimming suits. So they walked over to a gift shop type place and buy some swimming suits. And they than pick a spot on the beach to sit. So sam sits on the blanket while autumn draws something in the sand and dean tries to find a sea shell. Autumn had wrote peace in the sand and than she shoved dean than jumped in the water. So dean followed her, than she needed dean to help her a little because she isn't good at swimming. Than dean, sam, and autumn built a sandcastle. Than some kid ran right over their sandcastle and autumn was sad, but only for a second. It was the best day ever for autumn and dean finally got to see her smile and laugh like she used to. Since the day was going good autumn decided to do a cartwheel and she did it pretty well. But than dean tried and he landed on his knees instead of his feet. But sam didn't so autumn playfully said "chicken shit! Just try."
"No ... I don't want to." Said sam playfully
As the night was only an hour away dean said "autumn it's time to go we have to wake up early tomorrow"
"Awww" said autumn whining.
"Come on." Said sam
"Okay ." Said autumn
So they go to a hotel and get cleaned up and ready to eat. But before sam went to get food there was a *knock on the door. So he opened it and no one was there but when he closed the door and turned around his phone rang. So autumn picked it up and said "hello sam's phone."
"Autumn is that you?"
"Ya who's this?"
"Your dad silly."
"Oh hey um so why did you call?"
"I need you and your brothers help."
"What's wrong?"
"Um just meet me at 123 south Watson road"
"K we will be there."
"So dad needs us at 123 south Watson road." Said autumn
"Did he say why?" Said dean
"No but he said it was urgent."
"Ok lets go" said sam
An hour later they get there and autumn ran to the door but dean yelled "fall hold up a minute"
But she was already in the house so dean and sam ran in and saw their dad. He turned around to talk to autumn but she saw his eyes. She slowly backed away and said "that's not dad." as she pulls out her gun and than she yells "what did you do with my dad!"
"Autumn what are you doing?" Asked dean
"Look at his eyes they are yellow!" Said autumn
"Chill baby girl what's the problem?" Said john as he walks closer to her so she shot his arm.
"Ouch that hurts autumn that just hurts my heart."
"You don't have a heart you have my dads heart." So than he throws them against the wall with his mind. It scared them all out of their minds.
"What do you want us for?" Said dean
"I just need your little sister and it will all be over."
"What why?" Asked autumn
"Stop you get away from my little sister you son of a b***ch!"said dean
"Never in a million years will you get her!"Said sam
"Well than you'll have to not be here when I do." Said john as he adds more pressure. Than autumn fell off the wall and than john took over control of his body long enough to tell her to grab the old cult and shoot him with it. So she points it at him and says "I'll shoot"
"You wouldn't dare kill your father"
"Who said I was gonna kill him." Said autumn as she shot him in the arm again. And than he smokes out and goes through the window so autumn goes and checks on her dad. Than sam and dean pick john up and put him in the back seat behind the drivers side of the car. And autumn sat behind dean who was in the passengers side of the car. Than they drive down a dirt road and than all of a sudden a semi comes out of nowhere and hits the passenger side of the car and dean and autumn were knocked out cold. Than the driver gets out and shocked by what he had done he calls 911 and sam was scared out of his mind cause he was the only one awake.

Autumn Shae Winchester, A Hunters Sister.Where stories live. Discover now