Chapter 13.

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Rachel's P.O.V.


"Hmm?" I asked surprised looking up from my breakfast.

"I asked what you wanted to do today" Niall repeated giving me a quizzical look.

"oh." I said setting my fork down and focusing on him "I guess we could go swimming or something?" I said with a shrug of my shoulders.

"Are you okay?" he asked setting his own fork down and taking my hand into his, rubbing his thumb over the back of my hand.

I stayed silent for a few seconds, looking down at the table. I sighed and looked up at Niall's searching concerned eyes. "I-I just don't know right now" I said with a sigh.

Niall squeezed my hand and tried to give me the best smile he could. I uncrossed and crossed my legs under the table, shaking my foot from the leg crossed over the other. I squeezed my eyes shut and with another sigh I opened them back up.

"I think we should give the others a call, or something so they know were okay" I say breaking eye contact and looking back down at the table. My half eaten breakfast staring angrily up at me. We had been gone for a week now. Without any contact with any of the boys or the girls. We hadn't even been spotted once. They had a mere note from Niall explaining our absence, but that still barely told them anything. Management would definitely be angry, furious even. But it's not like they had control over us right now, we didn't have any mandatory events for another month and a half. I felt that we owed them something. To tell them we were safe, to calm their worry.

"Is that what you want?" Niall's voice broke through my thoughts making me look up at him.

"Yes" I say with a tired sigh.

"Okay, we'll do something to contact them when we get back to the hotel, okay?" he says with another squeeze to my hand.

"Thank you" I say picking my fork up with my free hand and pushing my food around, not feeling hungry anymore. I can feel Niall's eyes not leaving my face

"You know what, I'm done eating anyways, let's head back now" Niall says raising his free hand to signal the waiter for the check. The waiter quickly made their way over with the bill which Niall paid for in cash. He tipped the waiter and stood, holding his hand out for mine. I took his hand, letting him lace our fingers together. We both pulled sunglasses on over our eyes as we made our way to the front of the building.

There was a giant commotion going on outside, that we couldn't quite figure out what it was. There was staff from the restaurant trying to calm the disturbed customers who were seated near the entrance. Which you could very clearly hear things going on from outside, when you got closer and closer to the entrance. Niall turned to me with furrowed eyebrows as we got closer to the entrance.

"What's going on?" He said confused. I shrugged my shoulders and moved my hair to fall over one of my shoulders.

"I have no idea" I said as he pushed the door open his back to what was happening outside, looking over at me.

Everything got so much louder when Niall pushed the door open. There was flashes going off left and right, people yelling trying to get our attention.

"Rachel over here!"

"Niall look this way!"

"Are you two officially a couple!?!"

"Niall, is Rachel your girlfriend?!?"

"Are you two on holiday?!"

"Why did you guys dye your hair?"

"Rachel is it true your mother passed on new years to cancer?" A man with a camera asked sticking it right in my face. I was stunned. How did they find us? How could they have found us?

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