Nothing Is Like It Was

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Itachi walks from behind a tree.

“Itachi?” Me and Sasuke whisper at the same time. Itachi’s gaze sweep over Deidara, Sasuke and rest on me. I slowly stand up, still holding my scar.

“What the hell did you do to my scar?” I growl. Itachi doesn’t say anything. “Answer me.” I growl again. He takes a step towards Deidara, Sasuke, and me.

“I think Tsunade told you everything.” He says.

“H-how did you..” I start to say, but stop. I pull out a kunai. “What do you need?” I ask.

“You.” Itachi says simply. I snort.

“That sounds really weird.” I say. Deidara laughs and steps up beside me. Sasuke steps on the other side of me.

“I’m gonna kill you Itachi!” Yells Sasuke. Itachi looks away from me to Sasuke.

“I’m not here for you. You are none of my concern.” He says.

“That’s no way to greet you brother after 10 years.” I say glaring at Itachi. Konan appears beside Itachi. I look at her, she looks at me. Konan looks away from me to Deidara.

“You’re on the wrong side, don’t ya think Deidara?” She asks, glaring at him. Deidara licks his lips and looks away from her. “Come over here, were you belong.” She says. Deidara doesn’t move. “Remember what Leader-Sama said?” She asks, smiling cruelly.

Deidara looks at me, his eyes pleading for me to understand. I nod and smile. He smiles a sad smile and walks over to stand on the other side of Itachi.

“So what do you want with me Itachi?” I ask. “I’m nothing special.” Itachi smiles, but it’s not nice.

“You’re just as clueless as you were when you were little, Yuki.” Itachi says. I hesitate.

“Don’t bring our childhood up.” I whisper. He smiles, but it’s more sad.

“Why not? Me, You and Sasuke always did have fun, practicing, playing, laughing.” He says. Sasuke cringes beside me. I put my arm on Sasuke’s shoulder. A tear falls down my cheek.

“That was then, before you ruined me and Sasuke’s life. I want to know something Itachi.” I say, wiping the tears away.

“What?” He whispers.

“Why did you do it?” I ask, staring him in the eyes.

“You were always strong, smart, and fast. Good at tiejutsu and genjutsu. You have potential, and I don’t want to watch it go to waste.” He says watching me. I look away and sigh.

“You have your own potential, so why not use it?” I ask, still looking away.

“It’s no fun being the only one with potential. You’re wasting your life here. Everyone’s scared of you.” He says. I snap my head back to him and glare.

“That’s because of you!” I say. “Because of YOU, me and Sasuke are shunned.” I say pointing at Itachi.

“But you are, more than him.” He whispers, only to me. I look away again. I throw a kunai knife at him and flash step in front of him about to punch him. He grabs my arm and throw’s me against a tree.

“Yuki!” Yells Sasuke, running to help but Konan block him and keep him there.

Itachi grabs my neck and holds me against the tree. He leans in and whispers in my ear.

“We could go back to friends.” Itachi whispers.

“You killed my clan, for no reason.”

“I had a reason.”

“And that is?”

“Your abilities blossomed when I killed your clan.” He whispers. My eyes widen, and tears threaten to spill. Sasuke see’s my face and tries to get past Konan. Konan pulls out a kunai, and is just about to stab Sasuke with it.

“NO!!!” I scream. Konan stops and looks at me. “It’s alright Sasuke, so stop.” I say. I smile at him to show him everything’s ok, he nods and glares at Konan.

“You really like Sasuke?” Itachi’s whispers in my ear. I look at Sasuke, he’s looking at me.

“We’re only friends.” I say, looking away from Sasuke.

“What about Uzumaki Naruto?” Itachi asks. I hesitate. “Oh.” Itachi says.

“No, I don’t like Naruto either.” I whisper, holding back tears.

“And Deidara?” Itachi asks. Deidara’s watching me with a worried look, his body tensed.

“I don’t know.” I say, smiling weakly at Deidara. He smiles back, but it’s a worried smile. Itachi’s hand tightens around my neck, and my hand flies up to try and stop it from tightening.

“What’s it matter to you?” I ask gasping, Deidara takes a step towards me and Itachi, and Sasuke tense.

“I-it doesn’t.” Itachi stutters and loosens his grip. I laugh, but it’s nice.

“I haven’t heard you stutter in a while, ace.” I say calling him by what I used to call him before what happened. He smiles.

“I try not to Yu-Yu.” Laughs Itachi.

“You called me by the nick name you and Sasuke came up with for me.” I say smiling at him. He looks away.

“What happened?” I ask quietly. He looks at me sadly. He’s being the old Itachi. I think happily.

“I can’t tell you.” He whispers. I nod.

“Ok.” I say, because now, it doesn’t matter so much. “Sasuke going to want to talk to you, or kill you. Probably kill you.” I say to Itachi. He looks at Sasuke. Sasuke looks at me worried, than looks at Itachi and glares. Itachi looks back at me.

“Sasuke really likes you.” Says Itachi. I shrug.

“I don’t like him like that.” I say truthfully. He smiles.

“You’re probably the only girl who thinks that way.” He says. I smile back.

“Probably.” I say.

“Deidara likes you too.” He says. Watching me. I look at Deidara, and smile, he smiles back knowing I’m really alright. I look back to Itachi and he’s frowning at me.

“What?” I ask. He leans forward and gently kisses me. Not ruffly, or hungrily, but passionatly, lovingly. He pulls back, our lips slightly touching, and smiles.

“I’ve always wanted to do that.” He says. I blush, and Itachi looks at Sasuke and Deidara. Sasuke looks really really angry. And Deidara looks like someone just slapped him. Itachi looks back at me. And let’s go of my neck.

“So what’s it gonna be?” He asks, calmly. “Sasuke… or me?”

I know what he means, he means stay in Konaha, Sasuke. Or join the Akatsuki, Itachi. I don’t answer. I think about Hinata, Tenten, Naruto. Then I think about Ino, and my empty apartment. Empty.

I look at Sasuke.

“Nothing is like it was.” I whisper. Sasuke’s eyes widen, he knows what I’m gonna pick.

“You, Itachi.” I say, and Sasuke tries to get to past Kona

My Life in A Naruto High School. Naruto Shippuden StoryTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon