I said I needed some space so I went and camped in the woods for the night. I said I went onto rouge land which made them worried but calmed down after realising I didn't have a scratch and I could handle myself.

For the rest of the day I wandered around my room. I listened to music, watched TV. Yep I was bored. Everything that entertained me was now burnt to the ashes and had been cleared away. The ashes and house remains were all cleared away.

Now you can actually go there without choking on fumes. Even the grass is starting to grow back. Its green and fresh. Like a mocking bird rising from the dead. Or is it mocking jay. Or phoenix. Yes that's it. A phoenix!

Rising from the ashes. Or something like that anyway.

I go to the giant fridge and look in the freezer. Finally I find what I was looking for. Tucked right at the back. ICE-CREAM. To bad it wasn't mint choc chip which is currently my favourite. It was cookie dough which was my favourite about three weeks ago. I haven't had ice-cream in a while.

I take a spoon and sit on the couch listening to some reality show. The second most boring thing I've ever seen. The only good part was the ice-cream. The show was nearly over. On next was wait for it... Dora the explorer.

And wait for it... I watched it.

Wait a little longer... I LOVED IT!!!

I'm such a little kid.

"Swiper no swiping, swiper no swiping, swiper no swiping", I yell at the fox on the screen. At least I think he's a fox. One of my brothers walked in. "Wait hold on. You mean to tell me that you were watching Dora without me"??!

"Uhh. No"?

"What kind of little sister are you"?

He sits next to me. "Jacob you like Dora? I never would have guessed".


"Okay, okay gees".

We sit back and watch the next three episodes. A few people passed with a few laughs, strange looks or giggles coming our way. I ignore a snide remark from Courtney. people are going to judge you anyway so why not be your self?

And I was 100% myself right now. Besides what can they say have they ever sat down and watched it? Since they were like seven? The answer I can guarantee would be a no 89.999999% of the time.

I lie back on the couch my feet on Jacob's lap. He gave me a look. I chose to ignore it. Then I was hungry. "Jacob are you hungry"?

"Yeah a little why"?

"Well I though you might want to get us both a sandwich. Or just me if you don't want one".

"What? No get it yourself"!

I give him the puppy dog eyes. "doesn't work with family remember", he says with a smirk.

Damn I had forgotten that. "Pwease Jacob"?

"No. You want a sandwich go make one yourself. Or wait until dinner since its only like ten minutes away".

I look at the clock. Had I really been siting here for that long? Apparently so. I decide to wait...

Dinner was actually fifteen minutes and 46 seconds away. Yes Jacob lied. I know!!! So unprofessional. Anyway. It was roast beef ands vegetables. Courtney is a werewolf. Probably the only vegetarian werewolf on the planet.

She pushed her plate away and demanded rice instead. The cook glared and got her a bowl of piping hot rice which she then burnt her tongue on. ha-ha. Go the cook. I should really find out her name...

Anyway Courtney is like the opposite on me. I love meat. Its the best food ever. I love any kind of meat. Except lizard. Its a bit tough to chew. And quite watery too. Its yeah... disgusting. I hate it. But I LOVE  any other type of meat.

And I mean any. Hedge hog, crocodile, sheep, cow, kangaroo, pig. Bacon is the best!!! Okay enough about my meat cravings. Later that night I was in bed when I heard a tap on my window. I ignore it thinking it was a bird or the tree banging against the window.

The tapping didn't stop. I open the blinds to shoo the stupid bird away. "Go away you stupid"...

I see Ryan, my mate in the tree. "Bird"? I finish confused.

"What are you doing here"?

"Hush. Quiet or I'll get caught".

"Yeah okay then", I say sarcastically. "What are you doing here"? I say at the same volume.

"Looking for you of course".

"And how did you find me"?

"Your beautiful scent".

"Are you saying I smell nice"?

"I guess I am", he smirks.

"Thanks I guess".

"Anything for my beautiful mate". I wince at the word mate, knowing that it was true and we wouldn't be able to avoid each other for long. Not if I stayed around him all the time. Which I found has been happening a lot.

"I am NOT your mate. I rejected you remember"?

"And you already regret it".

"First off. Not true. Second of all I bet your regretting setting my house on fire now huh".

I guess that struck a nerve by the look of him face. He rubbed the back of his neck awkwardly.

"Well yeah kind of".

"Kind of"?

"Yes I'm regretting it", he snaps. "I'm regretting it 100% okay"?!

He seemed mad so I left the topic.

"So are you back to your pack now"?

"Uhh. No. I was kind hoping I could stay here tonight".

"That's the lamest excuse I've ever heard. And what makes you think I would let you sleep with me"?

"I said nothing about sleeping with you. But if that's what you want" ,he shrugs in a joking manor. His attitude back. Far too soon.

Okay!! Thank you to everyone. This was more like a fuller chapter. This book was only meant to be a short story so it will be finishing soon. It wasn't meant to be anything big. Soon I'll do an information chapter explaining what my original plans for this story were, how I got the idea etc.

Please don't forget to vote, comment, follow and share this story!! Thanks guys. NOT EDITED. READ AT OWN RISK.

Thanks again everyone!!!

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