Chapter 1: "well shit."

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"You said you were going to find it vermentrout!" A voice said from behind i large golden chair.
"I will master! I..I have it located my lord" a short weak voice spoke in response. "I just have to go and collect it"
"NO" The dominant voice shouted. "Despite your incompetence you make good tea, we'll send someone..expendable" the voice explained.
"Oh..yes..great idea master" vermentrout's feeble voice just managed to reach past his lips.
A long bony hand came out from behind the heavy looking chair with two fingers raised "Good. Now come here, we have an event to plan" The master demanded of the short hooded man.
"Oh yes master" Vermentrout replied scurrying. "An event indeed" he cackled.

"Come on then if you think you're so hard! Pick on me!" A long haired boy shouted toward the notorious school bully shoving him off a couple of new kids at school. "They don't deserve that"
"Don't deserve?! They Don't deserve to live!" The bully screamed manically whilst lunging at the boy "they'll be seen too sure enough"
"Wow you really are a psycho aren't you Ash." The boy responded before the air was pierced by the sound of high heels on a hard concrete floor and one high pitched tone that only one little woman could make. Ms Kurtz. "YOU BOYS! MY OFFICE! NOWW!"
"Well shit." The boys said in unison.
Yes boys, shit indeed.

The mysterious bag and what's inside it.Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora