The Kidnapping (or dragonnapping LOL)

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Moon walked down the small tunnels to history class. 'Ugh, I hate history'. Moon thought to herself. She wasn't paying attention, so it was a surprise when she bumped into ice-cold scales. She looked up. Winter... She only admitted this to herself but, she had a slight crush on him... ever since they first met. "Hey Moon," Winter grinned, Moon grinned back, "Hey Winter, want to walk with me to history?" "Sure" They walked down the hall silently. 

'Ugh, I need to stop making this awkward for the both of us,' Moon gritted her teeth. Just then a massive pain in her head struck her and she stumbled to the ground. "MOON! Are you okay?" Winter yelled. Moon didn't answer, she was just laying there holding her head. "Moon? Are you having a vision or a seizure?" Moon looked up, her eyes were glassy, and she spoke.

                                                              "She'll be gone tonight,

                                                              By the light of the moon,

                                                    Gone tonight and won't be back soon,

                                                                          Gone tonight,

                                                                   May never come back,

                                                                           Gone tonight,

                                                                      She'll be off to fight,

                                                                       And save all Pyrria." 

Moon choked on the last words, and looked up. Winter had a worried expression on his face, and he bent to help her up. "Are you okay Moon?" He asked, concerned.  "Winter, someone is going to be kidnapped tonight, and their kidnapper is a Skywing." Moon said, her voice shaking. "Should we tell the others?" Winter slowly asked. "Yes, but only the six of us can know, no one else, okay?"Moon said, while rubbing her head. "Okay, and are you alright? That looked like it hurt." Winter said, he still had a worried expression on his face. "Yes I am fine," Moon replied, smiling. A loud sound echoed off the cave walls three times. "The gong!" Moon yelled surprised, and took off, Winter close behind.


Moon was waiting in her sleeping cave for the others to show up, because Winter had gone to get them. Moon looked around, admiring the pictures Kinkajou had painted and hung up on the walls. She smiled, she remembered when Kink sat down next to Coconut and painted a picture of him sleeping. A voice jolted her out of that memory and she looked up. Qibli had a worried expression on his face, Peril looked at her curiously, Kinkajou's scales were a pale blue color, which probably meant she was worried as well. Turtle was just staring at her, and Winter had a sweet worried frown on his face. "Winter told us you had a prophecy. Can you tell us what it was?" said Turtle. "Yeah, sure" Moon replied.

"She'll be gone tonight,      

By the light of the moon,

Gone tonight and won't be back soon,

Gone tonight,

May never come back,

Gone tonight,

She'll be off to fight,

And save all Pyrria."

Everyone in the cave was lost for words, they were thinking about what the prophecy could mean. "Did you get any hints on who might be kidnapped tonight?" Winter slowly asked. "It'll be a........ hold on..." Moon squinted, trying to see what she saw in the vision. She suddenly jolted up. "It'll be a Nightwing!" Moon whispered, with fear in her eyes. Winter looked extremely worried now. "It won't be you, right?!" Winter said, with fear in his voice. "It's a possibility," Moon whispered, panicking on the inside. "I'll make sure no one kidnaps you!" Winter said protectively, "I'll sleep in Carnelian's old bed and make sure no strange dragons come in, if they do, I will kill them." Winter grinned at the thought of a battle. "Won't it be weird sleeping in a female dragon's sleeping cave? Plus, did you forget Peril sleeps there now?" Moon said with a confused look. "Oh, yeah I forgot Peril sleeps there. Sorry Peril." Winter gave her an apologetic look. "It's alright, you were just trying to protect Moon." Peril said, then smiled. "Okay... What if I slept on the floor by Moons bed?" Winter suggested. "That is very sweet, but you do not have to protect me Winter." Moon gave him a sad smile. "I will be sleeping in your cave tonight to protect you and you can't change my mind." Winter said stubbornly, and after a few minutes of arguing, Moon finally agreed to let Winter sleep on a ledge above her head, and soon they all went to bed.

During the night Moon woke up to a strange feeling that she was being watched, so she got up and looked around. Winter, Kinkajou, and Peril were all asleep, so she got up to check the room, because she still felt like she was being watched. As she got to the cave entrance, she heard a muffled sound, and turned the corner. A huge Skywing was staring at her, and before she could scream, the Skywing grabbed her snout and clamped it shut with a iron muzzle. Moon turned to run, but the Skywing had other ideas. He grabbed her and slammed her head into the wall. The last thing she saw was the Skywing leaning over to put her in a large brown sack, and everything went black. 

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