"—has been quite the games, but here we are with only two tributes left. Corbinus from District 1 and Yohan from District 4. Who could have predicted this?" His image is pushed to the side and two other images appear next to him; one of Corbinus and one of Yohan.

"Fergus didn't make it," I say quietly. Talon looks at me and squeezes my hand. I close my eyes for a moment and then turn back to the screen.

"Let's take a look at the final showdown! And remember folks, only one can emerge a victor!" The image of Corbinus comes into full screen.

He sits by a fire sharpening a sword. After a moment, he gets up and puts the fire out. The cornucopia is close to him and he moves toward it. When he reaches it, he climbs on top of it and surveys the swamp around him. Not a leaf rustles in the wind, not a bird cries. Corbinus clenches and unclenches his fist.

The camera cuts to Yohan striding confidently through the swamp, Orchid's spear in hand. He walks toward the cornucopia and soon they're in sight of each other. The absolute loathing on their faces is clear. Yohan stops suddenly and they stare at each other.

"What's the matter Yohan?" Are you afraid?" Corbinus asks.

"I think you're the one who is afraid. Come down here and fight me. Let's finish this where it started," Yohan retorts.

Corbinus swallows and clenches his fist one more time before sliding down, water splashing around him as he lands. He runs to Yohan, who jabs at him with the spear. They parry back and forth, before Yohan suddenly turns and runs away from the cornucopia.

Corbinus chases after him, keeping up well in the water. Yohan keeps a straight course, running hard until both are panting hard. He turns suddenly and thrusts his spear at Corbinus, catching his side. Corbinus winces and stumbles back.

"Stop playing games, Yohan. Only one of us can make it out, it has to happen sooner or later," his voice only falters on the last words.

"You're right, Corbinus, I'm done playing games. I've been in this area far too long and you know what I've learned?"

"What?" Corbinus asks, anger building in him.

"I've learned the habits of an overgrown crocodile."

Corbinus's eyes grow wide. He glances to the side and catches sight of the monster crocodile. Yohan doesn't wait to take off sprinting. Corbinus is mere moments behind him, but those moments cost him dearly.

The croc picks up speed. Yohan makes it to a nice tree and begins climbing. Corbinus keeps running, not having the capacity to do anything else. The camera changes angles and we see a rope in the water right before Corbinus trips on it. He plummets face first with only time to raise his head before the beast is upon him.

It makes quick work of him, dragging his body away. Yohan hangs in a tree nearby, his eyes squeezed shut.

"Congratulations Yohan Edenthaw! Victor of the Second Annual Hunger Games!"

He opens his eyes and in them is only despair. They match mine perfectly.

The screen cuts back to Tiberius Flickerman. "There you have it citizens of Panem! Yohan Edenthaw, District 4, Victor of the Second Annual Hunger Games! Be sure to tune in tomorrow for his post-game interview!"

The screen shuts off and the crowd stands there for a moment. Probably thinking about how the same thing is going to happen next year and the year after that and forever.

A man goes to the front of the congregation and speaks into a microphone. "You have the rest of the night to celebrate the end of the Second Annual Hunger Games. Work for harvesters will resume its usual hour's tomorrow."

We disperse with the crowd and make our way to a bakery. The owner has just entered the shop before us and turns his sign to open. Talon and I keep our heads down as we buy some food. The owner does the same, the whole town's mood dampened after witnessing that.

Talon and I quickly leave the town, snacking on the bread as we go.

I'm sorry about Fergus and all the memories that probably brought up.

"Thanks." I pause a moment. "Was it like that after my games?"

What do you mean?

"No one would look at each other, everyone was... depressed?"

Well, I was in the Capitol, same as you, but I would imagine it was very similar to that in the districts.

I bite my lip. "Do people see me as a murderer?" He stops, taken aback. "That's how they portrayed Yohan, did they portray me that way?"

He shakes his head. You're not a murderer, Aldera. No one sees you like that. You were forced into an arena to fight to the death with twenty-three other kids. Only one other person knows what that feels like. He is the only one who has a right to judge you. Okay?

I nod. "Thank you. I'm glad I have you here to talk sense to me."

I'm glad too.

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