1. Past...And so the wind knight fell...

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The cold streets were empty, not even a mouse in sight. A soft clicking sound was the only thing that was heard in the dark streets. An old man walked trough the streets, his balance wavering with every step he took, his staff, the only thing that kept him from falling. He walked until he came by an inn, the lights lighting the street.

He opened the door with a shaky, burn scaring littered hand and walked in. He was met with the sight of soldiers and common folk chatting and drinking. He walked to a corner of the inn, sitting at the table that was there. He scanned the in, his cloudy brown eyes falling on a male in dark silver almost gold armour with him helmet off, who was leaning against the wall with a male that was so much smaller than him in light blue armour and three more knights siting near them.

The table near him burst out laughing at the tale one of the soldiers was telling. "I bet no one has a better tale then me." The soldier grinned at his companions which had stopped laughing and looked at him with challenging eyes. "I bet 10 silver that someone can." The other soldier said. The one who had told the tale looked around the inn, before his eyes fell on the old man. "Old man." He said, getting the attention of the man along with the rest of the inn. "I'll give you 10 silver if you can tell a better tale than me." 

The old man thought for a few moments, looking at the male from the corner of his eye and seeing that he was looking at him with unforgotten hatred burning in his own light brown eyes that looked like they were made out of amber when the light him them, before looking back at the soldier. "I except your bet." He said, sitting up right on the stool he sat. The soldier laughed, but sat down and started listening as the man started telling his tale, not a single waver in his voice.


 Swords clashed against stone and fire cracked on the battle worn earth, the dead bodies of knights who have spilt they're blood to protect they're kingdom littered the field on which they had fought. A mighty scream of anger echoed trough the field as humans fought they're foe, a mighty giant made of stone and breathed life by magic crystals that were on it's head and arms raged trough the swarms of knights that fought to the best of they're abilities to destroy the monster.

It swatted knights like flies, raising to it's haunches to deliver one massive blow. Arrows of pure light hit the giant beast in the crystal gem before it had a chance to crash it's massive hands to the ground. Several more arrows came flying at the giant as the cloaked figure ran towards the beast, bow in hand. Five more cloaked figures watched, waiting for the right moment to strike.

The wind blew the cloak as the figure shot the giant, revealing silver armour and strands of white hair which were maintained by the silver helmet. The monster released a pained groan, going to swat at the figure only to have it's hand stopped by chains which had a scythe at the end, wrap around the giants arm restraining it's movement. Just like lightning the hidden figures attacked.

Another chain joined the one that was still wrapped around the giants hand, this one having the appearance of ivy wines. Two figures, one having dark blue and silver armour along with lighting bolds on it and the other one having dark and light green armour with ivy wines, brought the stone hand by the use of chains, just in time to have another figure, the second tallest of them all, smash a giant hammer at the crystal. The blow seemed like it shook the earth, the crystal breaking at the first contact with the black and silver coloured hammer.

The giant roared, bringing it's other arm down to stop itself from falling and in an attempt to get rid of the cloaked beings that were fighting it. This was a mistake, because the second the stone hand had landed on the blood soaked soil, a big, light blue and silver double edged battle axe flew at the crystal on it's hand, breaking it.

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