The Dance Routine

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{i apologise in advance for any mistakes}

You have been dancing since you were 5 years old and have been in a dance group of 6 girls, but over the past 12 years other members of the dance group have dropped out and new ones have joined. Your the oldest member of the group by 2 years so you stand out to the group a bit.

Every week you girls learn a new dance routine and perform it at a dance competition.

Your dance teacher let you and your group have a few weeks off for rest and today is the day you go back and start a new dancing season.

Your mother drops you off at the dance studio and you make your way to the dressing room to drop you stuff off and you walk in to see all the other girls here already.

Whilst you girls were getting ready you were chatting what you guys have done over the break.


Ahh, that's our dance teacher. We all hurry up and make our way to the dance studio.

Once we get in the studio we line up in a row in front of our dance teacher like we normally do.

"Hello girls. Hope you all had a good break enjoying yourselves and not doing anything silly to injure yourselves" Our teacher said making us all let out a little giggle.

"Okay, as you know we are going to learn a new dance routine this week which we will be performing at *imagine dance competition*".

"But for this weeks dance only 5 of you are going to be performing" Our teacher said and we all gave little glances at each other wondering why only 5 of us are performing.

"This weeks dance I think isn't suitable for you (y/n) because your more mature than the other girls and the dance is more for younger people"

You felt your stomach drop after hearing your teachers words. Your come back from a break to find out you won't be performing in the group number, but you tried to cover up your feelings with a smile to not disappoint your dance teacher and group members.

"But I don't want you to go the the dance competition and just watch the other girls perform so im going to put you in a group number with the senior dance group because their mature like you and we can make a dance routine which will suit you"

Your smile from before turned into a even bigger smile knowing that you are going to perform this week.

"Thank you so much" Your said running up to your dance teacher and hugging her.

"And im even going to give you the lead part"

You froze.

"Oh my gosh. Seriously?" You said shocked.

Your teacher nodded.

"Thank you so much again, I won't let you down" You said giving your teacher another hug.

"I'll let you go home (y/n) for the day whilst the other girls have rehearsal and you'll start your rehearsals tomorrow with the senior group" your teacher said

"Thank you" You said nodding you head.


Next Day

Your mother dropped you off at the dance studio and you went in and did your usual routine. You were excited yet nervous for today's rehearsal because you have never worked with the senior group or even met them all.

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