2: I think I like you

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"Hey Jungkook"

Jungkook halts the movement of the dance step he is currently mastering, looking over to his right through the reflection of the mirror. He can see Jimin standing behind him in the doorway of their practice room.


"I was just wondering if you wanted to hang out later... maybe watch that movie you was talking about wanting to see the other day" Jimin pauses. "It's just... we finally have time now, we haven't just hung out with the two of us in awhile.."

Oh my God, Jungkook never even thought about the possibility of this happening, when he brought up the movie idea to Jimin, he was positive Jimin was not interested. Jungkook just really wanted to see that movie, it's all his 97 line idol group chat had been talking about for days.

"Erm... I..." What is he supposed to say!

"I.. Sorry I can't hyung"

"What.." Even over the sound of the speaker in the corner playing their latest song, Jungkook can still hear the disappointment in his voice. He tries not to see the drop of his eyes to the dance practice floor.

"I already said I'd go with Yugyeom" Jungkook desperately tries to explain himself.

The look of Jimin now makes Jungkook want nothing more than to stay home and do nothing with Jimin all night. But he did promise Yugyeom. They already had plans, they'd both been excited about it all week.

"I'm sorry Jimin" Jungkook just feels so defeated at the visible slump of Jimin's shoulders.

"That's hyung to you!" Jimin's eyes flick up from the ground as he grits out the words. Jimin is desperately trying to sound angry and not how desperate to spend some time alone with Jungkook as he actually is.

Jungkook doesn't feel at all alarmed at the harsh tone of Jimin's words. He knows Jimin, he knows how heart broken Jimin probably feels right now, been rejected like that, he can see the sadness behind Jimin's eyes.

But there's just nothing he can really do about it right now.

The cinema trip goes smoothly. Jungkook does end up going with Yugyeom who also brings along BamBam, it was unplanned but Jungkook doesn't really mind. He couldn't help but think about what Jimin was doing at home instead of focusing on the movie or following the conversation between the three of them. If anything, Jungkook was grateful for the third person to make sure the conversation doesn't become awkward.

When the movie finally finishes, and they're collecting their stuff to leave, BamBam looks to Yugyeom, then to Jungkook. Jungkook can see the hesitation in his eyes. He's always thought he was more deceptive than others.

"Hey Jungkook, do you wanna come back to our dorm? We can play some games or something? Maybe we could drink a bit since we're all finally legal" he finishes the sentence off with a quick high pitched laugh.

Oh, this is awkward. Honestly, Jungkook just wanted to go home already. The movie was decent but he's feeling like he should of stayed home with Jimin.

"Uhh.. Sorry guys, I know I said we'd hang out tonight and catch up but there's really somewhere I need to be" he stutters out, trying to sound as sorry as possible. "Sorry but I have to go now".

Jungkook doesn't bother waiting for a reply, just spits out a quick 'bye' and spins on his heel to walk out of the cinema leaving the two behind.

The faster he gets back to their dorm, the faster he can finally feel at ease.

When he finally stumbles through the door 45 minutes later (damn those buses, Jungkook just needs to buy a car already! He loves his fans but he's kind of sick of running into them wherever he goes, when he just wants to get home), Jimin is asleep on the sofa; Jungkook can see the gentle rise and fall of his chest. His pink hair is fluffed up and his head is resting on a black hoodie laid over the edge of the chair arm. Jungkook thinks maybe that's his hoodie, his face scrunching up with confusion and his mind running wild at the possibility. He hopes it's his hoodie, Jimin just looks so adorable with his mouth naturally falling slack. His face looking so open, Jimin doesn't care about the risk of been seen by the other members; the possibility of any other members seeing Jimin so relaxed and taking the opportunity to snuggle right up next to him makes Jungkook's head hurt at just the thought of it. Jungkook can't allow this, he thinks. He can't possibly risk any of the other members throwing their arms around Jimin's waist and squishing their bodies into his side or against his back.

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