"No. I am not." Akash said, though the effect was already lost.

"Here, water for you." I said as i handed him a glass of water. "Now that you aren't thirsty, you can wait in the hallway."

"Sams!" My sister shrieked. "Where are your manners? You know guests shouldn't be welcomed like this." According to her, I only existed as a source of excitement (and occasionally babysit her devil kids), and a target to inflict torture on.

That's how my words had an opposite effect, and he was now yanked from leaving(he was just being dramatic) and made to sit on the couch by my horrified family over my 'lack of manners'. "Thanks for inviting." He offered.

"Have you two ever spoken before?" My mother asked him.

"May be once or twice." I interrupted, for I was too much of a coward to the truth that we were actually in a relationship. My mother took this answer graciously, and proceeded to continue chatting with Akash's mother.

"Give the glass to me, son." My dad offered, and Rudhra handed it to him. My dad lost grip and promptly dropped it on the floor, making it break into a million pieces. Surprisingly, Rudhra helped him in picking the pieces up, and used a wet towel to remove even the smallest of pieces(how he'd known this, I'd no idea). My dad, however was charmed. You could see how my dad grinned at him afterwards. According to my father, in his own words, 'a man isn't intelligent if he has four degrees in aerospace engineering, a man is intelligent if he knows all sorts of practical work." Although if my dad had had four degrees in aerospace engineering, he'd have said otherwise.

Keep up the charm, Rudhra. This seemed to be on his mind too, as he gave me a wink. And then locked on to the next target. My mother.

"I am thinking of putting up Sam's profile sometime now." She said. "Though I have no idea how, with today's technology."

I looked horrified as I watched the scene and even dropped the plate I was holding, even Akash was startled. What was she talking about? Rudhra would explode! But he didn't even seem affected by it.

"I'll help you. If you want." He offered.

Huh? I searched his face for any sort of irony. If that was the case, his eyes would be shooting laser beams, and his eyes would become miniature snake eyes. But he looked quite proud.

"Really, son? None of these people ever help me. Thank you very much."

"Please, no. I'll gladly help you. It'll be the best one ever."

I froze on the spot. He'd actually volunteered to help my mom put up my profile on a matchmaking site. Was that his type of revenge? What he that type of person? We were both childish, but I'd always assumed we were serious about each other. My sister and  Akash looked shocked as well.

I resumed to clean the kitchen feeling a heavy weight on my chest. He soon crept up to me.

"Need help?" He offered. I didn't answer.

"Did you see how impressed your mom was with me?" He tried again. I didn't answer.

"Why aren't you talking, Sams? According to my calculations you should be quite pleased with me." He said, with a wide grin. This was my breaking point.

"Rudhra, just why would you volunteer to help for such a thing like that?" I said, my calmness gone, my voice increasingly angry.

"Why? Don't tell me you only want to keep cooking for me forever?"

I was gobsmacked. "Huh? Bastard, why would you say such a thing? I thought we were serious, you damn bitch." I cried.

"What's the problem? Don't you want to have a life too? Why would you limit yourself like this?"

"Shut up, bastard. You don't lecture about my life. My life became limited the moment I met you. " I cried, tears falling out now.

"Huh? Why are you even crying? Don't tell me, you've got so used to being at home, you forgot your career?" He asked, sounding surprised. Frankly, it confused me now.

"What are you even talking about, Rudhra?"

"About your job profile, of course."

I wanted to punch him for being so stupid. Stupid, stupid Rudhra. "Rudra, she wasn't talking about my job profile! She was talking about my profile in a match making site!" Like, why would my mother bother with my job resume? Was he that stupid?

All the colour visibly drained from his face. He might have even popped a few nerves. "So, all this time, I've been talking about helping ....?" He trailed, the bulb in his head finally exploding.

Our ruckus might have caused a disturbance. For everyone came into the kitchen with a curious look on their faces. "What's going on here?" My mother asked.

"Aunty, I am afraid I can't help you with the profile."

"Why son?"

"Cos I am in love with your daughter."

NOOO!!OHMYGAWD!! My parents wouldn't have been more shocked if zombies had sprung up from the earth or crows began to talk. They resembled that famous Van Gogh painting, with their expressions. I was quite thankful that my mother didn't faint, or my dad didn't hit him with his hammer.

"I'll introduce myself once again. I am Rudhra, and I am a model." He said, pouring acid over the burned area. At the mention of the word 'model', their shock turned more intensive, and I had to cover his mouth with my hand to make him stop talking.

Now their shock reached to a maximum level. Wrong move.

Fortunately, my sister broke the ice. "Sams, we are so happy for you! So happy!" And so my mother had to act like she was happy about it, in front of her in laws, she had to be careful, and my entire family put a fake smile. "So happy." They repeated. If eyes could have bullets, I'd be polka dotted by now.

"Hahaha. Children these days. We'll be back tomorrow and you can tell me everything about it." She said, with a laugh but the tone suggested that I was in so much trouble. "About your love."

Omg!!! Someone please save me or make me disappear.

There was an onslaught of awkward goodbyes, and it made my head ache to think about the consequences . When they left, I grabbed him by the collar.

"You bastard! That was too sudden! I am seriously going to kill you now." I said.

"Hey, be thankful. I just made things a lot easier, you know." He said. Perhaps it was like he said. He'd just admitted something powerful, I wasn't displeased at all. It made me very happy, though I'd never admit it out loud.

"How embarrassing." I said.

"You really feel so?" He said, and pulled me closer towards him. Just as we were about to kiss, we heard someone clear their throat. It was an elegant elder lady.

"What is going on here?" She demanded. Who was she?

"Sams, this is my mother."

Bye bye everyone. RIP Sams.

Cause of death : Embarrassment   

Author's note:

This chapter is a little long. Hope it wasn't too boring. Please leave your views and suggestions!

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