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"um joeiy wat r u doing?!?" mishl cry out.

"um nothing!!!" joey ran away frum her &went insid hous,

mishell pick up hospiltal driss an follow insyde

 "joi y u kill mi?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?1?!?/!?!/!?!?1?1?1?1?!?/!?!?!?!?1?1?!?1??!!!1?1?/!1/@/!/

!?12?1?1?1//!!??1?1/1>?/!?!/!?1?1?1??!" mishl screem.

"bitch u kno wen i becum titen i can not control miself!!!!" joey screem

"wow 1st day of marrige & u kill me and argue wit me. u make me so mad" michelle kick him in nutsack.

"SORRY OK LET DO DA FRICKL FRACK." joey always finds best solushun.

joey snap fingers POW wonderful big bed. he push her nekkid bodi onto da bed.

"NOT YET U BAKA. back off haters" michelle teased him

joey luked down at his bunnie rabbit and started petting it. "there there cute fuzzy warmness. papa's gonna make you happy one day." he pickd up his bunny and made it's eyes stare straight into miche'esles eyse. "one day...."

"JOEY DO U WANNA EAT PIZZA?" michelle say.

"wat im not gay" jeyoe say

"back off haterz" micjele say.

"well u can eaty da piazaa and i'll watch u" joey suggest.

"kkk" michelle push joey against wall & ya

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