chaptar 3

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"STOP IN DA NEM OF DA LAW!!!!!!" polees offcer say.

joey smash car with big foot. screaming evrywhere joey excited to kill

boom! boom BOOM!!!!!! gun shoot bullet. joey inVINSIBLE!! he can not die with stoopid bullet!!! o sheet here cum meekasa.

"mika.... SAAAAAAAAAA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" she scream as lighting shoot out her eyes. mikasa very powerful pokemon.

titan joey fall over. normal joey crawl out from neck. "woah wat jus hppen???" joe say. "U KILL UR WIFE!!!!" mekasa scream. "WAT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! bring me to her nao!" joey demand.

""ok" mikasa say. joey jump on her back and meksase use 3d manoovur geer to fly around. "um it kinda awk w/ ur dingly dong rubbing on mi back............" joey forgot he naked. o well at least he can surprise msichelle wen he get 2 hospital.

dey arrive finnaalllyyyyyyy. joe walk in hospital and every1 scream.

"OMG UR NAKED GET OUT!" gaurd say.


"OMG STFU JOEY! and garud u shut yo fatass mouth i tired of ur shizznit u no i try save city LET HIM SEE HIS WIFE SHE ALMOST DED!" MIKASA SCREAM!!!!

"ok cmon" guarda say. they walk to da room and joey sees a blood trail on ground. *screams internally* "y r u killing my wife???" he scream.

"um acshully u kill her so ya" nurse say.

joe slaps her and pins her to da ground. "say dat to me agen bitch" he knees her in da face and she die. he walk up to michelle and sees her boootyful yet smashed up face.

"cmon i get u out of dis place." he carry her limp body and jump out window. he run to there new house and he set her down on the grass.

his mind starts to wonder. since she is practicallieley ded he can do anyting with her. since he naked alredy he take off hospitael dress and stick STUFF IN HER THING HAPPEN and michelle cum alive as joe cum inside and she pregnatn!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1

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