Chapter 15

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  Spring, 2014
Willis Tower, Main Office for CIASF

"What is this I'm hearing about, Rhys?"

The sudden sharp voice that rang out in the office made all forms of sound fall silent, as all attention was directed at the main entrance of the office. The person in question stood tall and imposing on the steps in his suit. Even despite the balding head, and stout figure, he manages to cut a fearful image as the man descended the few steps and headed straight for where Ryland sat wide-eyed. Without a word, the Asian male got up, and followed silently into the office the newcomer had disappeared into, where Howard sat waiting.

"What do you think happened?"

Almost immediately, the chatter started once the door had closed with a click. Work was forgotten for the briefest of moments, as the small office of barely twenty people began exchanging ideas. Most attention was directed on Anthony, who happened to be Rhys's best friend, but even he shrugged.

"I have no clue! I haven't went out with him in weeks, almost months really. He's been awfully secretive over the past few months, but he hasn't said a word."

From where Pandora sat, she tried to maintain as neutral a face as she could as the buzz of conversation hovered around the office, avoiding eye contact, because she had a very good feeling why her boyfriend was being called in to the office.

Inside the office however, it was graveyard silence as Benedict took a seat right opposite Howard. Rhys remained standing. The atmosphere didn't feel like he should take a seat anyhow, and sure enough when his father-figure cleared his throat, he knew he got his guess right.

"Ryland." Benedict started. He's never called Rhys by his nickname, for some reason. "I know the CIA and by extension the CIASF, has never had a rule against relationships. But I'm not an idiot, son."

"No sir, you most definitely are not." Rhys quickly replied.

Despite the grave, strict look that Benedict wore, he managed a grim smile. "You've been very quiet lately, and you do go out very often. Don't lie to me son. Do you have a new girlfriend?"

Rhys's mind raced, but one thing was for sure, he had no wish to lie to Benedict. The man had raised him as a kid, and he's never treated Rhys anything less then a son. So he nodded. Benedict raised a white brow, staring at the boy he had raised. "And who is this young lady, do we know her?" he asked, exchanging a look with Howard.

He hesitated, his eyes darting out. But his stand-in father and immediate superior were not in their positions for nothing. Howard and Benedict wasted no time in detecting the direction in which Rhys had glanced at, and Benedict raised a silver brow. "Pandora Talbott? Our new recruit?" he asked, with what Rhys could detect was a hint of amusement.

The younger one bit his lip, but nodded.

Howard and Benedict exchanged looks, as if having a silent conversation. "She's young, Rhys. And new. She just passed her probation. Are you sure it's a wise choice, getting involved with her with how new she is to us?"

"She's smarter, and more capable then you can imagine, Howard." Rhys defended automatically.

His superior grinned wryly. "That's a different tune compared to the one you were singing when she first started."

Rhys flushed, much to Benedict's confused amusement. "Ryland didn't like Miss Talbott when she first came in?" he directed the question at Howard, who chuckled.

"Let's just say he wasn't too fond of being in charge of who he thought was a pampered princess." Howard replied.

Benedict wore an amused smile, turning back to look at the half-Asian agent. "You could've come to me anytime, Ryland. Do you not trust my handpicked agents to work for the CIASF?"

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