Chapter 3 - Picture of Rhys

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Autumn, 2013
Willis Tower, Main Office for CIASF

"Who is she again? How could someone like her even make it into the ranks of the Force?"

"You're being judgemental, Rhys. She was one of the top performing trainees when she was in the academy. Sir Benedict himself handpicked her to join the training school in the Force. He did mention she required a little more strength training then usual, which is why he assigned you to be her team leader." the dark haired male replied Ryland Jarett. Usually one of the calmest and most logical members of the CIA Secret Forces, Agent Howard Rogers regarded Ryland's irritated features with an amused smile. "You are one of our team leaders with the highest performing members."

Hearing the praise, Ryland gave a smile, although it did not quite reach the pair of dark eyes hidden behind thick framed glasses. A frown still marred his mildly tanned features, as he ran his hands through his dark, cropped and messy locks. "Pandora Eve Talbott." Ryland read off the folder, and then somewhat sneered. "What sort of a name is Pandora anyway?" He scoffed. Howard raised his brows at his agent.

"Since when did you become a judgemental ass, Jarett? You had always been impartial." he mentioned, plucking the folder from Ryland's hold and observing the mugshot picture that came with the folder of their newest recruit. "She apparent prefers to go by the name of Dora though. And I don't seem to get why are you so against her joining us. Do you know her before this?"

The dark haired male of Asian descent shook his head, but the frown remained. "I wouldn't have known her before. It's just... Iris is on holiday for her wedding, Tricia still hasn't returned from her honeymoon, and you know how Catherine has been performing ever since she got married to her husband!" he ranted, finally taking a seat in one of the few chairs in Howard's office. It wasn't a large space by any means, for the Special Forces had limited space to call their own. Considering they were supposed to be a unit that was hidden from the world, they had limited space, but all of the technology available at their disposal.

Still, they made do. In fact, Agent Howard would've opted for no office at all, had they not needed somewhere secure to store all of their documents. As such, he took the space and used half of it as their secured store room. One half of the room was dominated by multiple secured lockers in which laid many folders of their cases, some marked with a 'solved', but most still lay dormant within their files. The Special Forces dealt with sensitive cases, which meant that most of the time, their cases would take an exceptionally long time before they came to a conclusion.

But if it's one thing his office had, it was a spectacular view. Presiding over the top of the Willis Tower, one of the most iconic buildings in Chicago, Howard's seat came with the skyline of Chicago as his backdrop. His table was modest, a simple dark oaken desk with just enough space for the stacks of paper, and a space for his laptop. Other then the chair Howard currently sat on, the only other things in the office were two serviceable chairs opposite the table, one of which was occupied by Ryland as he stared in blatant distaste at the folder that his sergeant placed opened on the table now. "Females are an impediment in our investigations."

"Really, Ryland Gregory Jarett? I expected you to be more impartial then that. You've got to admit, we've had pretty awesome female agents. Remember Watsons?" Detective asked.

"Valerie Watsons?" Rhys clarified.

Detective nodded his head. "Yeah. She did settle the case in Nigeria."

"That was like, one, Howard." Rhys scoffed. His friend laughed. After many years together, he knew Rhys could be like a dog when he bit on to an idea.

"Either which way, the Sir Benedict was the one who hand picked her. You were hand picked by the Commanding Officer too, are you telling me he has bad judgement?" Howard raised his brow. Rhys scowled, but didn't say a thing. He had a point after all.

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