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[A/N.. This the first thriller story in writing so I wanna request you all to give your reviews freely about the content. And I wanna dedicate this chapter to my two besties SHAMBHAVI AND KHUSHI. They are a very big support for me in this story for you all.......
And without wasting your time Here my story begins]

Soldiers are the ones who do not fear to do any task no matter how hard or difficult it is until they have mastered it. This is due to the quality of braveness and courage which are instil in them. Ready to forge every single drop of blood to their nation to their homeland, instilling with immense vigour. How am I able to say so, do I really mean what I just said, quite thinkable, I know right! But to tell you neither do my insights nor my spirit is proven guilt when it comes to army, my men at borders shedding blood. Meanwhile let's just not deviate much.

Oh! I forgot to introduce myself I am a retired colonel  from the Indian Army and my name is Colonel Vishwanathan. Once an vigorous, horrifying, angry young soldier chopping off heads of enemies like carrots, warm when comes to nation, or simply "blind patriotic" (do we even have a word for what I feel would do justice to my services and love for the country, if you get one lemme know na)

Dead honest, man of principles, the disciplinarian, I'm quite a straightforward but hard to get man, my wife must still figuring out how to pull off this marriage with this crazy man. I'm deserving of this weirdest.

Family? Well, not so precise for a family, but it's just me and my wife Surbhi, the love of my life, woman to worship. Oh did I just forget to mention our house help Ramu kaka, nevermind he's worth this special mention as he's the only backbone to my family life after my wife. Has been with me since I was a kid, taking me to school, parks to play, feeding me my junks secretly, helping me sneak in the house after a late night party and what not. He's been a father figure to me who hasn't left my side ever since he came their for me.

That feels like quite a happening introduction in my life.

Army and love for my country has very much attracted me since my childhood and pursuing this became my passion after I entered my late teens. Be it the bravery, khadi uniforms or even the thought of sacrificing my life for the country, I was very much into the thought of becoming an army officer.

Being in army, my wife Surbi was and still is a strong pillar of my support.

I served for my country for around 32 years and got  retired.

After my retirement, the only wish of mine is to own my own luxurious house or flat or even a mansion kind of thing to live rest of my life in peace away from all the disturbances.

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