Chapter Twenty

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The next image showed me entering a room full of items, strewn across tables and the floors themselves. I had watched the first day I had come here as the threw my items into this room and closed the door until the next stolen child had arrived.

I slowly closed the door behind me looking for the Dagger and sword I had received from Luke, along with a light blue stone on a leather cord my mother had given me from for my sixth birthday.

After about ten minutes of carefully sifting through the pile of spoils I had found the sword with the leather cord safely wrapped around the handle. I then quickly found the dagger, which was hidden underneath the sword and crept down the empty hallway.

The sun was just creeping up the sky meeting the hills with its blinding light when I entered Gabe's room, ready to repay the debts he had made. This was not just for me I had told myself. It was for everyone that had died here and was buried in unmarked graves. It was for everyone who was beaten and lost their innocence, This was not just for me, and the child that I had to burry, no this was for the kids who were stolen from their parents,

I inched towards the bed, following the sound of loud snores. When I got to the head of the bed I saw the peaceful face of a monster in a deep slumber. Most people if they saw this face would think, this man is the most caring guy ever, taking all those orphaned kids off the street, but then the second he would open his mouth they would realize how wrong they were.


The rest is history. Gabe is now dead, lying at the bottom of some unmarked grave slowly decomposing and becoming food for plants. Funny how a death could hold so much life, even if said death is that of a monster. I could never understand that or, how mortals and demigods fight in wars or battles, killing millions while we are all the same where it truly counts. I hate how if you're a greek you can't walk into a Roman camp or empire without being killed or at the minimum be treated fairly when you can tell the earth is dying. On the other hand, most of our problems come from the gods, who don't care what their actions cause the death and suffering. They get upset when people say they are better than the gods, or compare themselves to the gods, but they do the same thing to each other. If you think about it, we are just following in their footsteps.

"Percy?" A voice calls through the door followed by a knock.

"Come in"

The door creaks open revealing Ace and a blinding light.

"How are you feeling," he questions?

"Weak but ready to get out of bed"

"Great, now that you're better and not hallucinating you can help teach sword fighting again!" Ace exclaimed before moving over to stand by my bed with a leather flask full of nectar.

"Hallucinating? I don't remember anything like that." I questioned while taking a glomp from the flask and handing it back.

"Oh yes. Everyone on the deck at the time was all laughing or were extremely worried you had become a mad man. You came out of your quarters on Mrs.O'leary saying she was, and I quote 'A wizard battle stallion'. What in the world is a wizard anyway? If I wasn't worried you'd pop your stitches I would have left you" He laughed.

Man, I knew the medicine did some weird things to me, but really hallucinations? I'm never going to hear the end of this. When I'm like fifty and as wrinkly as a Furry someone is going to come up to me and be like "you rem'emer that time you hallucinated that funny thing about... what was is... wizard battle horses" then finish it off with a creepy old man laugh with coughs interrupting said laugh and making spit fly everywhere. And then their teeth are going to fall out an..."

"Perce. You did it again", Ace said in an exasperated voice, although his face showed amusement.

"Well, you can't expect m~" Suddenly a loud splashing noises heard above deck followed by the shrouds of clashing weapons.

Ace and I raced out of the cabin and onto the deck only to see three people unconscious on the deck, while a man stood above them with a small smirk on his face.

"Ahh Percy nice to see you after all this time".

(A/N) Sorry, this chapter was so short. I had more school work to complete than I thought. On the other hand, I think I have become the master if procrastinating. I believe the next chapter should come out around next week, mostly because I don't want to kill you guys too much. Umm comment on who you think this new person is... If you want that is. Welp hoped you liked it and all that jazz! Till next time!XD

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