"Its a Decepticon!" Mikaela yelled.

"Shit." I jumped back out and ran to Jazz and pulled him with me to another plane. Bee and Hayley followed. We stopped and watched it transform. It had a beard.

"Okay probably not the best time for this but, Wow." I laughed and Hayley joined me.

"What sort of hideous mausoleum is this." The con looked at us, " Answer me pawns and images! Show yourselves or suffer my infinite wrath."

I got tired of his blabbering and I stepped out, "If you knew Ratchet there is no way you could go against a storm of wrenches." I said and I heard everyone laugh.

"You little spinal cord based organisms! Bigger it!" He grunted as something hit him. What ever it was fell down and rolled past Sam, "Behold the eternal glory of Jetfire! Prepare for remote systems override!" The little con turned to us.

"I tell you this guy did not age well." It said.

"Great a con just what we needed." Jazz murmured. I turned to him and pressed a kiss to his lips. He smiled and held me closer to him when Jetfire made his way to the huge doors they hauled the planes through.

"I command these doors to open." They didn't open well because they aren't voice command, "Fire!" We waited and nothing happened, " I said Fire!" A missile went the other way and I laughed along with Hayley. Jazz and Bee chuckled a little. Jetfire smashed the doors open and walked out.

"Question don't we need him?" I said. We took of after him. Jazz and Bee disappeared and we heard them behind us.

"Damn these worthless parts." Jetfire said, "Itchy, wretched rust in my area!" Jetfire said and I laughed at him.

"Jetfire! Stop we need to talk to you!" I yelled.

"What do you want?" Jetfire said as he turned to us.

"Look, we just want to talk." Sam said loudly.

"I have no time to talk. I'm on a mission. I'm a mercenary doom-bringer. What planet am I on?" Jetfire said.

"Earth." I said. Jazz brought himself behind me and I lost my balance. I ended up sitting on his hood. His holoform appeared and stayed in front of me.

"Earth? Terrible name for a planet. Might as well call it "Dirt." Planet Dirt."Tell me is that robot Civil War still going on? Who's winning?" Jetfire spit some fuel out.

"The Decepticons." I said.

"Ugh. Well I changed side to the Autobots." Jetfire spoke.

"Good choice." I said.

"What do you mean, changed sides?" Sam being an idiot asked.

"It's a choice. It's an intensely personal decision. So much negativity. Who wants to live a life filled with hate?" Jetfire said.

"You mean you don't have to work for those miserable, freaking Decepticons?" The little con said.

"If Decepticons had their way, they'd destroy the whole universe." Jetfire said to the little con.

"I'm changing sides. I'm changing sides, too, warrior goddess and beauty goddesses.Who's your little Autobot?" It said as it humped Miky's leg.

"You're cute." She said.

"Name's Wheelie. Yeah. Say my name, say my name." Wheelie said.

Jazz growled and whispered in my ear, "It gets close to you. I'm killin it." I giggled and kissed Jazz.

"What are you allowing to happen to your foot just now?" Sam said.

"At least he's faithful, Sam." Mikaela said. I laughed along with Hayley.

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