"Money can buy happiness to a degree! You buy what you need to make you happy. You can buy a better house, a better car! That makes you happier!" She exclaimed, her voice beginning to echo around the room. She stood up, placing both of her hands onto the table.

"I'm happy now! I'm happy with what we have at this exact moment! I have a beautiful wife! I have three gorgeous children! I have everything I could ever need!" Eugene shouted, his voice cracking as he stood up. He looked toward the ground, tears beginning to fill in his eyes. "Where is the girl that taught me that love is the only thing you need?" He softly cried.

Rapunzel stood still, his question echoing in her head. Was she really changing? Was money all she was thinking about? She took slow steps towards him, unsure if he wanted to be comforted. She wrapped her arms around him, resting her head against his shoulder. "I'm right here."

He stood taller and looked down at her. "Then why do you want this job? We're surrounded by some much love here. We have friends and family here. The kids are happy here. Why do you want to leave?"

She blinked, thinking about her response. She had wanted this since forever. This was her chance. "Because this is what I've always wanted," She declared. He scoffed and began to walk away. He always walked away whenever something went wrong. "Why can't you just be happy for me?" She called out, anger bubbling inside her.

He stopped in his tracks. Was that really what she thought? He turned around grabbing her shoulders in his hands. She could tell by his grip that he was being dead serious. He stared deep into her eyes, almost startling her. She had never seen him like this. "I am happy for you. Hell, I'm overjoyed for you. In all honesty, I am so goddamn proud of you. But you need to see that everything you need is right under your little nose." He softly spoke. He poked her nose, then walked back to their room to get ready for bed.

She stood all alone in the dining room. Her anger was switching into confusion. She had always thought that she had to be a artist. That was what she wanted most in life. Was everything needed really right here in this little hometown? She let out a sigh, looking at the letter. Should they move to New York City just for her?

~Elsa and Jack~
"Why haven't you signed the papers yet?" Elsa questioned, staring at her 'husband.' The decided to meet in a public, just in case things got out of hand.

"What papers?" Jack scoffed, watching her pace in front of him as he sat on the bench. They chose the park, which in his option was stupid. He thought they would do better off in a restaurant. That way if things got icy, they could eat food to stop the awkward silence...plus he was hungry.

"The divorce papers," She fired back, crossing her arm in front of her chest. She glared down at him. What did she ever see in him? Just looking at him almost made her gag. "Don't tell me you forgot about them."

"I didn't forget Elsa," Jack snapped, narrowing his blue eyes at her. "Just because I haven't done it yet doesn't mean I forgot. Don't jump to conclusions."

Elsa tighten her lips and scrunched her face. "Well, it's not my fault you have a reputation of forgetting important items." She snapped, begin gin to walk in front of him again.

Just looking at her strut in front of him made him feel like a child being punished, which in all honesty, he was. Elsa wanted a divorce, she wanted to get rid of him and it broke his heart. Just like before, he was getting left behind. "Sorry that I have a flaw Miss Perfect."

"Please Jack, don't start with the name calling." She scoffed, rolling her blue eyes. God, he really was like child. He was so immature and irresponsible. She would probably do better off marrying a 12 year old than him.

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