The Death

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"Criminal" by Britney Spears

As Sigyn stirred from her slumber, her senses slowly coming back to her, she found herself in the infirmary, surrounded by the sterile scent of medicine and the soft murmur of voices. Her body felt heavy, as if she had slept for an eternity, and her limbs protested as she tried to move.
Blinking blearily, Sigyn surveyed her surroundings, piecing together the fragments of memory from the engagement party. The faces of the guests, the swirl of emotions, and the unsettling gaze of Loki—all swirled in her mind's eye, casting a shadow over her thoughts.
Her throat dry and scratchy, Sigyn croaked out a question, her voice betraying the discomfort of disuse. "What in the name of Zeus almighty happened?"

Thor's presence beside her cot startled her, his figure slumped in a chair with an air of weariness that seemed foreign to the boisterous prince she knew. His voice, usually robust and full of life, now carried a somber tone, a whisper that hung heavy in the air.
"You have been asleep for two days' time, little Sigyn," Thor murmured, his words laden with an uncharacteristic solemnity that sent a shiver down her spine. There was a hint of brokenness in his voice, a vulnerability that she had never heard before. It was as if the weight of the world had settled upon his shoulders, bending him beneath its burden.
"Why, may I ask, have I been asleep for two-whole-days?"

"The head healer confirmed a heavily saturated sleeping potion was taken by you."
Sigyn balked at this news as she pulled herself upwards. Her body ached as her head stirred. "I took no such thing! The very last moment I recall is toppling over after drinking the contents of my goblet-"
Sigyn's heart raced at Thor's words, her mind reeling with apprehension as she took in his disheveled appearance and the gravity in his voice. There was an air of urgency that hung heavy in the room, suffusing her with a sense of foreboding.

"Sif and little Thorn..." Her voice caught in her throat, the fear for her friends clawing at her chest. Relief washed over her as Thor reassured her of their safety, but it was short-lived, overshadowed by the weight of his unspoken words.
The silence that followed Thor's incomplete sentence stretched taut between them, thick with unspoken dread. Sigyn's pulse quickened as she watched the god struggle with his words, a sense of unease settling in the pit of her stomach.

"Thor, you are frightening me," she admitted, her voice trembling with fear and uncertainty.
With a heavy sigh, Thor leaned forward, his eyes searching hers with a mixture of desperation and resignation. "I need to know before the healers question you upon their arrival," he implored, his voice strained. "What do you remember of the engagement ceremony?"
Sigyn's breath caught in her throat, the gravity of Thor's request sinking in. She searched her memories, grasping at fragmented recollections of the party, the guests, and the unsettling presence of Loki. But amidst the chaos, there was a gaping void, a black hole that swallowed her memories whole.

Sigyn's breath caught in her throat as Thor's intensity bore down upon her, his gaze unwavering as he awaited her response. It took a moment for her to gather her thoughts amidst the rising tide of panic threatening to engulf her.
"Nothing much," she began, her voice trembling with uncertainty. "I arrived with Balder, we spoke to our individual families, we walked around and held the candles of gunroot, walked the garden, I drank the wine, and here I am." Her words came out in a rush, an attempt to make sense of the fragmented memories swirling within her mind.
Thor's stern expression only deepened, his brows furrowing in concern as he pressed on. "Did anyone specifically hand you your goblet?" His question hung heavy in the air, laden with unspoken implications that sent a chill down Sigyn's spine.

The realization struck her like a bolt of lightning, electrifying her senses with a jolt of fear. "The chefs handed Balder and I our individual ceremonial goblets..." Sigyn's voice trailed off, her eyes widening with dawning horror as the pieces fell into place. "Someone poisoned me."

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