chapter 46:semi part 2

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Ash pov:

I wasn't late. Thank god i made it on time and i was in my room waiting to see who i'm going to battle, or who ever is going up first. I was nervous and i felt pressure on me what if im not ready what if i lose i mean i lost a couple time before but this huge if i win then i'll know that my dream is achievable. As soon as i said that the screen was on and it showed who was up and it was gary with some other guy so pretty much gary is going to win. I saw how was gary was battling he was rushing in going full power off the bat either he's rushing it to win and get the finals up or something i don't know but i would do the same.

It's been 20minutes already gary has 4 pokemon left and the other guy has only 2 left, gesh gary giving hell that's for sure. I got up and so i can stretch my legs and then i felt my pokeballs and relased everyone. To my surprise not really i guess mom really wanted me to win badly i guess. My team was pikachu and greninja, charzard, infernape, sceptile, and lastly talonflame. The team build was soild mostly all of them i have a huge connection with so maybe just maybe i could win.

"Alright guys we are at the semi finals okay. And all i wanna say is give it your all and remember don't give up till the very end alright." They all cheered and fist pumped and i smiled greninja walked to my side and held out a fist. I smiled and fist bumped him and gave a high five after and smiled. "Let's do it together greninja." "Gren." He nodded and then that when gary match was over. "Alright guys let's go win this." They all nodded and pikachu ran up me and was on my shoulder and we set off. This is it let's do it.

"Ash what's going on." 'It's a tournament that's going on and i wanna win because it will take me closer to my dream.' "What's your dream ash?" 'I wanna be the best battler and trainer so in other words i wanna be a pokemon master.' "That sounds like alot of work." 'It is but i make it work with my pokemon and i thank them everytime i get close to my goal and dream nothing i do with them is a waste.'

I arrived to my side from the dugout and headed out of it to see everyone in the crowd cheering as the last match till the final is coming up. "Ladies and gentlemen introducing the man himself ash ketchum!" I waved to the crowd and looking for certain girl in my eyes and not that long before my eyes meet her's. "Good luck" she mouth it out. "Thanks" i mouth back and she smiles and starts to cheer for me. 'I won't lose not as long i have serena cheering me on. "You got this ash." "Thanks dad." "On the right side we have daniel and he's a very strong trainer with a few surprises in his team!" 'Surprises i wounder what.' "Alright trainer meet up in the middle and shake hands and let's get this battle underway." I walked towards the middle and i shook daniel hand and walked back. "Alright trainers release your first pokemon!" "Alright buddy i choose you!" "Pika!" Pikachu got in his battle stance and was waiting for his opponent.


"Hmm okay then rhydon come on out!" Daniel threw his pokeball and out came a rhino looking pokemon that was standing on his back legs so he standing up right. "Rhy!" "Alright pikachu there might he type advantage but keep your guard up okay." "Pika!" "Alright pikachu start of off with a quick attack then iron tail."

Pikachu was covered in a white aura and was hesding towards rhydon at full speed then jumping into the air and his tail conpletly covered in iron then hits rhydon in the face. "Nice pikachu!" Pikachu then does a backflip and gains his composure and back into his battle stance. "Hmm not bad but you gotta do more then that. Rhydon iron defence then agility!" "What the- agility!?" Thatv right agility and rhydon speed incease and this was gonna be an issue for ash. "Alright then pikachu use thunderbolt!" "Pika!" Pikachu jumps in the air and charges up his electrity and shoots it towards rhydon but daniel has a smirk on his face. "Counter with thunder punch!" "What!" Rhydon fists then start to be covered with electrity and punches the thunderbolt. "Amazing use of thunder punch like that! I nevee thought such a thing could be done like that!"

"Rghh. Okay pikachu get in close! Use quick attack!" Again pikachu is covered in a white aura and runs with great speed towards rhydon but doesn't expect what's next. "Quick now electro ball!" Pikachu's tail on the tip starts to gather energy and forms a ball filled with power and slames it down on to rhydon. Little damage but still doing something. "Alright ash i see where this going this is becoming alot more fun. Rhydon quick get in close and use thunder punch!" "Pikachu counter with iron tail quick!' As rhydon started to rush in to pikachu. Pikachu tail was covered in iron and jumped in the air and blocked each punch rhydon was throwing at him.

"Nice pikachu keep it up buddy!" "Rghh. Rhydon use head butt let's go!" This caught ash and pikachu off guard and so was hit with the attack. "Pikachu!" Pikachu was on the ground but still got up and got back into his battle stance. "Can you still battle buddy?" "Pikachu!" "Alright then bud." Ash then starts to feel a burning sensation in chest from this battle like it's hyping him up.

"Pikachu use quick attack then follow up with iron tail!" Pikachu nodded and ran as fast as he could and ran int rhydon and then bounced up and slamed him with an iron tail. "Now pikachu!" Pikachu does a backflip straight out of his iron tail and chages up his strongest thunderbolt and shoots it to rhydon. The attack hits and rhydon yells in pain and soon enough an explosion happens and rhydon is down for the count.

"Rhydon is unable to battle the winner is pikachu!" "Amazing folks that was dnetermination at it's finest now that daniel is left with 5 and ash with 6 this is still anyones gain!"

Chapter 46 done.

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